The 10 RashiYomi Rules
Their presence in Rashis on Parshat BeHaR BeChuKoThaI
Volume 14, Number 13
Used in the monthly Rashi-is-Simple and the Daily Rashi.
Visit the RashiYomi website:
(c) RashiYomi Incorporated, Dr. Hendel, President,
May 6th, 2010

The goal of this Weekly Rashi Digest is to use the weekly Torah portion to expose students at all levels to the ten major methods of commentary used by Rashi. It is hoped that continual weekly exposure to these ten major methods will enable students of all levels to acquire a familiarity and facility with the major exegetical methods.

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Commentary on a verse is provided thru a cross-reference to another verse. The cross references can either provide
    • (1a) further details,
    • (1b) confirm citations, or
    • (1c) clarify word meaning.
    This examples applies to Rashis Lv27-30a
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: The Tithe mentioned at Lv27-30 which is described as a) holy and b) redeemable refers to the 2nd tithe mentioned at Dt14-22:27 which is also described as b)redeemable and a) eaten in Jerusalem.

Verse Lv27-30:31 discussing tithes states And all land tithe from seeds and fruits belongs to God, it is holy but if a person wants to redeem it [to carry it to Jerusalem] he should add 20% to its value. Rashi clarifies the underlined words tithe...God...holy...redeem by referencing verse Dt14-22:27 which states You shall truly tithe all the produce of your seed, .... And you shall eat before the Lord your God, in the place which he shall choose .... the tithe of your grain, of .... And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry it; .... Then shall you turn it into money, ... And you shall bestow that money for whatever your soul desires, for oxen, or ...and you shall eat there before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you, and your household, .... Hence the Rashi comment: The tithe spoken about in Lv27-30:31 is characterized as something holy, belonging to God, which may be redeemed. Therefore, this refers to the so-called second tithe discussed at Dt14-22:27 which is a tithe that is holy in the sense that it is eaten before God and may be redeemed on money if the distance to travel is long.

Text of Target verse Lv27-30:31 Text of Reference Verse Dt14-22:27
And all land tithe from seeds and fruits belongs to God, it is holy but if a person wants to redeem it [to carry it to Jerusalem] he should add 20% to its value. You shall truly tithe all the produce of your seed, .... And you shall eat before the Lord your God, in the place which he shall choose .... the tithe of your grain, of .... And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry it; .... Then shall you turn it into money, ... And you shall bestow that money for whatever your soul desires, for oxen, or ...and you shall eat there before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice, you, and your household, ....
Rashi comments: The tithe spoken about in Lv27-30:31 is characterized as something holy, belonging to God, which may be redeemed. Therefore, this refers to the so-called second tithe discussed at Dt14-22:27 which is a tithe that is holy in the sense that it is eaten before God and may be redeemed on money if the distance to travel is long.

Advanced Rashi: We use to present a Golden-Rashi-Rambam series comparing Rashi and Rambam. Rambam in the varioius parts of his codex further clarifies this Rashi. The tithe mentioned at Nu18-25:32 is the Levite Tithe as mentioned at Nu18-27 is not holy but profane. Similarly the tithe mentioned at Dt14-28, the three year tithe, was eaten by the poor and was not holy. So a thorough analysis of all biblical verses mentioning tithes facilitates focusing on the identity of the tithe mentioned at Lv27-30:31, as the holy 2nd tithe eaten in Jerusalem before God.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION: The meaning of words can be explained either by
      • (2a) translating an idiom, a group of words whose collective meaning transcends the meaning of its individual component words,
      • (2b) explaining the nuances and commonality of synonyms-homographs,
      • (2c) describing the usages of connective words like also,because,if-then, when,
      • (2d) indicating how grammatical conjugation can change word meaning
      • (2e) changing word meaning using the figures of speech common to all languages such as irony and oxymorons.
      This examples applies to Rashis Lv26-34a Lv26-41c
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: Resh-Shin-Ayin means a) to desire, b) to please

Rashi presented 10 distinct meaning methods. Today we examine meaning based on grammatical transformation.

    Although most conjugation rules refer to the conjugation of verbs, there are also conjugation rules for transfroming nouns into verbs. We list several common methods for transforming nouns into verbs:
  • create the noun: e.g. to flower
  • remove the noun: e.g. to dust
  • use the noun: e.g. to hammer
  • the verb(activity) done to this noun: e.g. Dt21-04b: neck the calf in other words kill it with a blow to the neck

    Using this principle of meaning based on grammatical transformation we have the following elegant sequence:
    • From the verb Resh-Tzade-Hey, meaning to want, to desire we obtain
    • the adjective RaTzuy meaning desirable, pleasing
    • Then in term from the adjective desirable, pleasing we obtain
    • the verb to make desirable, to please..
    When Hebrew assigns two meanings to the same root it will frequently use different grammatical modes to accomplish this assignment. In this case the active mode of the root Resh-Tzade-Hey means to desire while the Intensive mode of the root Resh-Tzade-Hey means to please.

Applying this meaning, Resh-Tzade-Hey to please to verses Lv26-34a, Lv26-41c we obtain the following translations: Then [after they are exiled for not observing the land-sabbaticals] the land shall please her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye are in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and repay her sabbaths. and I also will walk contrary unto them, and bring them into the land of their enemies; if then perchance their uncircumcised heart be humbled, and then they please themselves from their sins, [then...]

Advanced Rashi: The phrases land please her Sabbaths and they will please themselves from their sins doesn't sound 100% right. There is a general problem in translating between languages. There is no verb in English which means to make desirable. Hebrew because of the richness of its modes can reuse the verb desire to mean make desirable. The English to please is the closest we come in English to a verb meaning to make desirable. Such searching for good translations is characteristic of advanced biblical study. If a more accurate translation was desired we could translate they will make themselves desirable from their sins and the land will make itself desirable with land-sabbaticals.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION: Rashi explains verses using grammar principles, that is, rules which relate reproducable word form to word meaning. Grammatical rules neatly fall into 3 categories
      • (a) the rules governing conjugation of individual words,Biblical roots,
      • (b) the rules governing collections of words,clauses, sentences
      • (c) miscellaneous grammatical, or form-meaning, rules.
      This examples applies to Rashis Lv27-20a,20b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: And if [the owner] doesn't redeem the field And if [the Temple] sells it, then it can no longer be redeemed.

Today Hebrew grammar is well understood and there are many books on it. Rashi, however, lived before the age of grammar books. A major Rashi method is therefore the teaching of basic grammar.

Many students belittle this aspect of Rashi. They erroneously think that because of modern methods we know more. However Rashi will frequently focus on rare grammatical points not covered in conventional textbooks.

    There are many classical aspects to grammar whether in Hebrew or other languages. They include
  • The rules for conjugating verbs. These rules govern how you differentiate person, plurality, tense, mode, gender, mood, and designation of the objects and indirect objects of the verb. For example how do you conjugate, in any language, I sang, we will sing, we wish to sing, she sang it.
  • Rules of agreement. For example agreement of subject and verb, of noun and adjective; whether agreement in gender or plurality.
  • Rules of Pronoun reference.
  • Rules of word sequence. This is a beautiful topic which is not always covered in classical grammatical textbooks.

    Today we deal with the beautiful biblical topic of pronoun reference. English quite simply requires a pronoun to refer to the last mentioned noun. By contrast biblical Hebrew allows pronouns to refer to any reasonable antecedent. Verse Lv27-20 discussing the redemption of property dedicated by a private owner to the Temple illustrates this subtle principle.
    • But if
      • he [the original owner] doesn't redeem the field [that he dedicated to the Temple]
      • and if he [the Temple manager] has sold the field to another person
    • then the field can no longer be redeemed.
    Rashi clarifies the references of the elliptic subjects, he. Rashi explains that the first he refers to the original owner while the last he refers to the Temple manager. Thus in one verse the word he remarkably has two different referents each one being the most reasonable. Indeed, the person selling the field must be the Temple since the original owner already dedicated his property to the Temple while by contrast the person not redeeming must be the original owner.

Advanced Rashi: Did you notice that the verse does not simply say If the original owner does not redeem the field and the temple manager does sell it then the field can no longer be redeemed. Rather the verse use a rare form of logic, the export-import law. The export-import law asserts that the following two sentence forms have the same meaning: If A and B then C and If A then if B then C. By using the repeating keyword if the Biblical Author creates distinctness in the two hypotheses a distinctness which is reflected in the different references of he - the he in one sentence refers to the original owner while the he in the second sentence refers to the Temple manager.

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Aligning two almost identically worded verselets can suggest
    • (4a) 2 cases of the same incident or law
    • (4b) emphasis on the nuances of a case
    • (4c) use of broad vs literal usage of words
    This examples applies to Rashis Lv26-42b
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: I,God, will REMEMBER, Abraham, Jacob and Israel. But ISAAC is perpetually before me because he offered himself as a sacrifice.

The table below presents an aligned extract of verses or verselets in Lv26-42 Both verses/verselets discuss God's remembering the merit of the Patriarchs and Israel. The alignment justifies the Rashi comment that: God will remember the convenants with the various Patriarchs as well as the convenant about the land of Israel. But the convenant with Isaac need not be remembered since Isaac's self-sacrifice stands perpetually before God.

Verse Text of Verse Rashi comment
  • I will remember the convenant with Jacob
  • and even _________ the convenant with Isaac
  • and even remember the convenant with Abraham
  • and ___ remember __________ the land
God will remember the convenants with the various Patriarchs as well as the convenant about the land of Israel. But the convenant with Isaac need not be remembered since Isaac's self-sacrifice stands perpetually before God.
  • I will remember the convenant with Jacob
  • and even _________ the convenant with Isaac
  • and even remember the convenant with Abraham
  • and ___ remember __________ the land

Advanced Rashi: Rashi also discusses the reverse sequence, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham hilighted by the introductory words and even. This is a most interesting topic which we will discuss in a future year. I also point out that besides the missing aligned word remember the word convenant is missing with the land as well as the introductory and even. Generally, Rashi does not explained all nuances in an alignment. Rashi may only explain one or two nuances. The teacher's job is to encourage the student to explain the remaining anomalies.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION:Rashi resolves contradictory verses using 3 methods.
      • (5a) Resolution using two aspects of the same event
      • (5b) Resolution using two stages of the same process
      • (5c) Resolution using broad-literal interpretation.
      This example applies to Rashis Lv26-44a
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: a) I will bring on you the rage, a sword avenging the convenant b) I will never despise you RESOLUTION: All punishments are rehabilitative to effect repentance.

The table below presents two contradictory sets of verses. Both verse sets talk about the punishments God brings on the Jewish people when they sin. The underlined words highlight the contradiction. One verse says I, God, will teach them a lesson, with great rage, I will bring the sword avenging the convenant, while the other verse says I will never despise you! Which is it? Will God despise us or not? Rashi simply resolves this using the 2 cases method: (1) God will bring rage on us until we repent (2) God will never despise us until we are destroyed since he will forgive us when we repent.

Summary Verse / Source Text of verse / Source
The rage of the convenant-avenging sword Lv26-25,28 I will walk with you in fury....I will bring on you the sword avenging the convenant
I will only punish them till they repent - I will not despise them Nu26-41,44 And I have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, and they accept of the punishment of their iniquity; Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land. Despite all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, nor will I loathe them until destruction nor will I break my covenant with them; for I am the Lord their God.
Resolution: 2 Aspects: (1) God will bring rage on us until we repent (2) God will never despise us until we are destroyed since he will forgive us when we repent.

    Rashi examines how rules of style influences inferences between general and detail statements in paragraphs.
    • Example: Every solo example stated by the Bible must be broadly generalized;
    • Theme-Detail: A general principle followed by an example is interpreted restrictively---the general theme statement only applies in the case of the example;
    • Theme-Detail-Theme: A Theme-Detail-Theme unit is interpreted as a paragraph. Consequently the details of the paragraph are generalized so that they are seen as illustrative of the theme.
    This examples applies to Rashis Lv25-10b, Lv25-10e
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: GENERAL: Jubilee. DETAIL: Freedom. GENERAL: Jubilee. DETAIL: Return land and people. GENERAL: Jubilee RASHI: Total freedom. All slaves - those whose term is not completed and those who refused to go free - are freed.

Many readers are familiar with the 13 exegetical principles of Rabbi Ishmael which occur in the daily prayer books in the morning prayer. In this email newsletter I have called these rules the style rules. It is important to clarify what the Rabbi Ishmael rules focus on. After all they are distinct from rules of meaning grammar and alignment. What are they?

We have explained in our article Biblical Formatting located on the world wide web at that the Rabbi Ishmael style rules are rules governing the interpretation of examples. In other words if the Biblical text gives a specific example, as a law or narrative, does the Author intend that the law or narrative exhaust its meaning in that particular example, or, does the Author intend the example as a mere example which should be understood by the reader as a paradigmatic example which should be generalized.

Here is a good example. Dt25-04 states don't muzzle an ox while threshing. The Rabbi Ishmael generalization rule requires that we do not see this example as exhaustive of the law but rather as requiring generalization. Hence Jewish law interprets this to mean Don't muzzle any animal while it is doing its typical work. Actually the law prohibits not only muzzling but any type of inteference with the animal eating.

In this particular case we used the generalization style. Sometimes however we use the restrictive style and interpret the example as exhaustive of the law-- the example is all the law says.

Most of the Rabbi Ishmael style rules are known: They include: Generalization, Theme-Detail, Detail-Theme, and Theme-Detail-Theme. Today however we encounter a rare form, not listed any place: The Theme-Detail-Theme-Detail-Theme-Detail-Theme-Detail-Theme-Detail style. Let us see how Rashi interprets it.

    Verse Lv25-10:13 discussing the Jubilee states
    • General: Sanctify the 50th year
    • Detail: proclaim freedom throughout the land
    • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • General: It is the Jubilee
    • Detail: People return to their a) home and b) to their land
    • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • General: It is Jubilee, the 50th year
    • Detail: Don't sow, don't reap....
    • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • General: For it is the Jubilee...
    • Detail: Eat from the fields
    • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    • General: In this Jubilee ....
    • Detail: every person returns to his land
    • ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Rashi comments: The continual alternation between General and detail clauses requires a broad generalization of the detail clause. This motif of generalization is similar to the treatment of the general-detail-general style. Consequently the Torah requests freeing slaves in all situations. This includes a) slaves who refused to leave upon completion of their term of service as well as b) slaves who didn't yet complete their term of service.

Advanced Rashi: Similar Rashi comments apply to freeing land (in many circumstances). I should note that an alternative treatment of the Rashi would focus on repetition instead of on style. That is certain Rashi expositors would count the number of times freedom of slaves is mentioned. Since freedom of slaves is mentioned twice they would argue that two slave situations - those who have not yet completed their term of service as well as those who have so completed - are indicated. This counting approach to Rashi is quite popular. Personally I believe it is a better approach to explain Rashi on the basis of style. Since a General-detail-General... style is used the text requires a broad generalization. The fact that two types of slaves must be freed (and that two repetitions are mentioned) is a coincidence. The real driving force of the exegesis is the style.

      BRIEF EXPLANATION:Inferences from Biblical formatting: --bold,italics, and paragraph structure.
      • Use of repetition to indicate formatting effects: bold,italics,...;
      • use of repeated keywords to indicate a bullet effect;
      • rules governing use and interpretation of climactic sequence;
      • rules governing paragraph development and discourse
      This example applies to Rashis Lv21-05c
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: a) no learning b) no performance c-d) despise religious / civil law e) no community involvement f) Apostasy.

We have explained in our article Biblical Formatting located on the world wide web at, that the Biblical Author indicates bold, italics, underline by using repetition. In other words if a modern author wanted to emphasize a word they would either underline, bold or italicize it. However when the Biblical author wishes to emphasize a word He repeats it. The effect - whether thru repetition or using underline - is the same. It is only the means of conveying this emphasis that is different.

With this in mind let us read verse Lv25-14:15, which discusses apostasy. The discussion develops in three pairs of bulleted texts. The bullets are indicated by the underlined repeating keywords. With each verselet we present the Rashi comment. After the citation we explain how the bullet rule gives rise to the comments, not language and grammar. Many serious students of Rashi have errored by misunderstanding Rashi as emanating only from language and Grammar.

    The six verselets describing apostasy are:
    • But if you do not listen to me [Don't study], and
    • do not do [Don't perform] all these commandments;
    • And if my statutes [religious laws] are despised
    • and if my civil cases[interpersonal civil laws] are loathed by your soul
    • until you don't do any of my commandments [Don't contribute to help others perform and actively interfer with others performing],
    • until you break my covenant;[Apostasy]

We now explain what Rashi did, and did not, do. In the first set of bullets Rashi interprets the Biblical word pair, listen-do as referring to learning-perform. Rashi did not do this because of requirements of language. Indeed, listen can equally mean study or performance. Similarly do can easily mean study-performance together. Rather because the repeating underlined keyword do not create a bullet atmosphere, therefore, Rashi was justified in reading into the listen-do sequence the interpretation of learning-perform.

In the second set of bullets we use the grammar-word-order rule. Hebrew is a verb-object language. A reversal of this order (e.g. civil laws despised vs. despise my civil laws) indicates unpsecified emphasis. When we couple this emphasis with the repeating underlined keyword, if, we see that Rashi choses to emphasize the specific nuances of statute and civil law, which very roughly refer to religious vs. civil law. Hence Rashi interprets that the person first attacks the religious laws which are not rational, followed by an attack on the civil laws, which although rational can be criticized. Again it was not the word meaning which drove Rashi to this. Indeed, in many verses, the word statute by itself can refer to all laws just as the word civil law by itself can refer to all Jewish laws.

Because of the third set of bullets, indicated by the underlined keyword, until, Rashi contrasts the words in the two verselets, commandments vs. treaty, as indicating specific non-performance vs. general apostasy / denial.

Rashi also sees nuances in use of the repeating keyword, until in the last two bullets vs. the repeating keyword if in the first four bullets. Rashi interprets the repeating keyword until in the last two bullets to indicate a general development of non-performance and treaty violation over time. The emphasis on non-performance and treaty violation is interpreted broadly to refer to being annoyed by community performance of commandments and outright denial of God.

    Advanced Rashi: One does not just get up and suddenly deny God. Apostasy takes place as a gradual process. The above 6 verselets describe a 6-stage psychological developmental process that culminates in apostasy. A review of this list exposes a natuarlity in each stage.
  1. One stops learning every day
  2. One forgets and doesn't perform every law
  3. In one's dinner conversations with one's friends, the trans-rational religious laws are attacked as meaningless
  4. One doesn't bother to understand Jewish civil law; one attacks these rational laws.
  5. When the above 4 happen over a period of time the hatred of the law turns outward to other people - commandments should not be performed because they are rediculous. The person begins rediculing, instead of respecting, other people who perform commandments.
  6. Finally, after having been cut off from learning, performance, appreciation and community, apostasy naturally evolves (With nothing to stop it).

      BRIEF EXPLANATION:Rashi makes inferences from Database queries. The precise definition of database query has been identified in modern times with the 8 operations of Sequential Query Language (SQL).

      This example applies to Rashis Lv25-38b
      URL Reference: (c)
      Brief Summary: Remember Egypt: No a) inequality, b) impurity, c) bad business practices. d) God saved you.

We ask the following database query: Which commandments mention that they should be observed becauase 'you are to remember that God took you out of Egypt'? The reader is encouraged to perform the query using a standard Biblical Konnkordance or search engine. This database query yields the list below. The list justifies the following Rashi inference: Commemoration of the salvation from Egypt is emphasized as a reason for commandment observance in laws prohibiting a) social inequality b) ritual impurity c) anxiety-business practices and d) acknowledgement of salvation from Egypt by God. The list below presents the results of the database query and shows examples

Verses Verse Content Theme Contradicts Egyptian practice of...
Dt15-15,Dt05-14a Dt16-12, Dt24-18 Treat slaves, orphans, widows nicely. Equality ..slavery.
Lv22-33, Lv11-45, Nu15-41, Ex29-46 Avoid the ritual impurity associated with contact with the dead Purity / holiness ...disassociating a person and destroying his will by continuous exposure to death.
Lv25-38, Lv19-36 Avoid anxiety producing business practices (imprecise weights, loaning on interest). Business atmosphere Disassociating a person and destroying his will by continuous exposure to anxiety producing business practices (like imprecise weights).
Ex20-01:03 / Ex29-46 Acknowledge God as having saved you from Egypt God Saves ...believing that any slave could escape from Egypt.

To understand this list we take a simple example: Dt05-14a:15. discussing the obligation to treat slaves and orphans nicely. This verse states but the seventh day is a sabbath unto HaShem thy G-d, in it thou shalt not do any manner of work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ass, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou. And thou shalt remember that thou was a slave in the land of Egypt, and HaShem thy G-d brought thee out thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore HaShem thy G-d commanded thee to keep the sabbath day. As can be seen by the underlined words, the Biblical obligation to let slaves/servants rest on the Sabbath is linked to remembering the Exodus. This linkage between the commandment and the exodus, does not occur at all commandments. However this linkage occurs here because the essence of Egypt consisted of a class society in which certain people were free and certain people were slaves. Consequently any commandment attacking class distinctions - such as the requirement to equally let owners and slaves rest on the Sabbath - will explicitly mention the Exodus.

The other examples are interpreted similarly. For example the linkage of commemorating the exodus from Egypt to the prohibition of taking interest is explained by the observation that causing anxiety was a hallmark of Egypt and encouraged destruction of the personality which enabled slavery. Two popular methods of causing anxiety were 1) using inaccurate weights and 2) charging interest in excess of expected profits thus nullifying the efficacy of small business loans (Because a person trying to loan for business purposes would find the interest they pay out more than the profit they take in)

    9. RASHI METHOD: NonVerse
    BRIEF EXPLANATION: The common denominator of the 3 submethods of the NonVerse method is that inferences are made from non textual material. The 3 submethods are as follows:
    • Spreadsheet: Rashi makes inferences of a numerical nature that can be summarized in a traditional spreadsheet
    • Geometric: Rashi clarifies a Biblical text using descriptions of geometric diagrams
    • Fill-ins: Rashi supplies either real-world background material or indicates real-world inferences from a verse. The emphasis here is on the real-world, non-textual nature of the material.
    This examples applies to Rashis Lv27-18b
    URL Reference: (c)
    Brief Summary: When redeeming a field one allocates the sales price proportionately on the remaining years of use. The proportionate allocation uses rounding (whether upwards or downwards).

Verse Lv27-18b discussing the redemption of a field dedicated to the Temple states But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain unto the year of jubilee, and an abatement shall be made from thy valuation. Rashi explains the arithmetic of this redemption process using a proportionate method with rounding. In presenting the Rashi we supplement his example with extra illustrations to clarify each component of his comment.

Example 1: Suppose the field I dedicated was evaluated as worth $20. Suppose further there are 10 years left to the Jubilee. Then each year is assigned a worth of $20/10=$2. If I wish to redeem the field next year I must pay $18. If I wish to redeem the field in two years I must pay $16. And so forth. We can summarize this by saying that we use a proportionate method in redeeming the field.

Example 2: (Rashi)Suppose I dedicate my field right after the jubilee for $50. So the $50 spans 49 years. Suppose further (true in Talmudic times) that each $1 is worth 48 cents. Then the proportionate method requires that each year be assigned a worth of $50/49 = $49/49 + $1/49 = $1 + 48/49 cents. Rashi explains that this is rounded to $1 + 1 cent. So if the field is redeemed after 10 years the person pays $50 less $10 and 10 cents. We can summarize this by stating that redemption uses a proportionate method with rounding.

Because this Rashi clarified biblical content with arithmetic-spreadsheet methods we classified this Rashi as using the non-verse method.

This week's parshah contains no examples of the symbolism Rashi method. Visit the RashiYomi website at and for further details and examples.