Rabbi Ishmael-5 Methods:#14 of 14
 #      10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE              #
 #            Mar 15-Apr 30, 2000                          #
 #         Rashis 1-14  Of 7800 (0.2%)                     #
 #                                                         #
 #      Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,    #
 #             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
 #             http://www.shamash.org/rashi                #
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Congratulations---this is the SIYUM (Completion) lesson of
this module.

This series was devoted to the 2 dozen Rashis that deal
with the Rabbi Ishmael rule of
        >two complementary verses

We have examined 5 ways that Rabbi Ishmael deals with
        >two complementary verses
These 5 methods are reviewed below with examples. Similarly
all the examples we have used are compactly presented below
in {LIST1}. This material will God willing be placed
on the Rashi website this Sunday under the heading CHEVRUTA
modules. You can always review it.

A reader completing the reading of this dozen-example-module
will have minimum proficiency in appreciating how this rule
of Rabbi Ishmael works (If this module works out we will
try and develop modules for the other 12 principles).

This material is printed with permission of the author,myself
Those who wish to see complete details may visit the Rashi
Website at
You may browse, subscribe, or ask questions there.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*


In the previous few issues of volume 5 we have explored
several ways of dealing with
        >two complementary verses which seem to say
        >different things.
We have enumerated 5 methods

The two verses indicate
        >two aspects of the same thing
Thus one verse says that
        >ISRAEL sent a delegation to Edom
while an alternative verse says that
        >MOSES sent a delegation to Edom.
Clearly there is no contradiction. For MOSES is the elected
representative of ISRAEL.

METHOD 2--2 Stages
The two verses indicate
        >TWO stages of the same process
Thus two verses describe the Levite relationship with the Temple as
        >EDUCATION begins at age 25
        >SERVICE begins at age 30

METHOD 3--2 Meanings
The two verses serve to
        >proscribe a BROAD or a LENIENT interpretation
For example since one verse says that
        >slaves go free in the 50th Jubilee year
it follows that another verse which says that
        >slaves work FOREVER
requires our giving the restrictive translation
        >FOREVER = A LONG TIME (50 years)
        >ADULT as YOUNG ADULT (vs OLD ADULT but not ELDERLY)

METHOD 4--2 Names
Two verses may indicate
        >TWO NAMES for the same concept
For example a BIRTHSTOOL can be called
        >THE ROCKS (Because birth stools were MADE of rocks)
        >THE BREAKTHRU (Because the baby BREAKS THRU on it)
In other words the name can be by FUNCTION, FORM or SUBSTANCE.

METHOD 5--2 Modalities
Two verses may indicate the
      >MODALITY (Required, Permissable, Forbidden) of a commandment
Let us give two simple examples.
For example The two verses v5-15-9 and v5-24-15 speak about the
prohibition of witholding loans or wages. The two verses warn
against hurting the person
        >lest he call to God (5-15-9)
        >so that he does NOT call to God(5-24-15)
From these verses we learn
That is we learn that the opressed person has
        >the RIGHT to pray against the opressor(he MAY pray)
        >but is not OBLIGATED to so pray (not, he MUST pray)

Is our collection of pairs of two complementary verses complete?
Actually it turns out that many other RabbiIshmael rules sometimes
LOOK LIKE two complementary verses.

Here is a simple example.  The verse phrase 3-1-2
        >From the ANIMALS
        >From the CATTLE and SHEEP-GOATS
is usually interpreted using the RabbiIshmael principle of
In other words
        >when you offer FROM ANIMALS then you may ONLY offer
        >CATTLE and SHEEP-GOATS (no other animals may be offered)

However we can EQUALLY view this using the RabbiIshmael principle of
Thus we could say(as Rashi indeed does say on this verse)
        >ANIMALS implies ANY animal
Thus using the RESTRICTIVE-BROAD method of 2 complementary verses
we would say that

This type of analysis is healthy since it shows an underlying
unity behind the Rabbi Ishmael principles.

LISTS {For ADVANCED students and for those with more time}:

{LIST1} {The 14 verse pairs illustrating the RabbiIshmael rule
        of two complementary verses that seem to say different
        things. This summarizes the results in 4 digests. The
        five reasons for why there are 2 verses are given in
        the 3rd column. The two verses can indicate two
                >Aspects= 2 aspects of the same thing
                >Stages = 2 stages of the same process
                >Meaning=restrictive vs broad interpretation
                >Names=two different etymologies
                >Modalities=MAY--MUST--MUST NOT}

======= ======= ======= ===========================================
Nu21-21 Dt02-26 Aspects MOSES sent delegates on behalf of ISRAEL
Ex20-19 Ex19-20 Aspects Gods voice in HEAVEN;His FIRE on EARTH
Ex40-35 Ex25-22 Aspects Moses at Entrance; Gods by Crubim (4-7-89)
Ex28-37 Ex39-30 Aspects Priest MASK went AROUND and OVER head
Ex15-1  Ex15-04 Stages  Egyptians THROWN UP;THEN SHOT down to sea
Ex16-13 Nu11-09 Stages  1st Dew bed; then MANNA; THEN dew blanket
Nu08-24 Nu04-03 Stages  Levites LEARN Temple at 25;THEN serve at 30
Dt15-17 Lv25-10 Meaning Slaves work FOREVER=A LONG TIME=TILL JUBILEE
Lv07-09 Lv07-10 Meaning The PRIEST=DIVSION OF PRIEST,gets sacrifice
Lv04-03 Lv04-03 Meaning A Young ADULT Bullock = BEGINNING ADULTHOOD
Ex01-16 Is66-09 Names   BirthStool=StoneStool=BreakThru(Function)
Dt03-09 Dt04-48 Names   CHERMON = SRYON = SNYR=SYAN(4 names)
Dt15-09 Dt24-15 Modal   You MAY pray to God; you NEED NOT pray
Ex12-15 Dt16-08 Modal   You MAY eath Matzoh last days;MUST eat 1st

As the Holy Lamp, Leader of the Mystical Friendship would say upon
completing his learning

        >Praise be Him Who Chose them and their Learning

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*