T-H-R = clear / spotless:#2 of 2
#      10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE              #
#            Jun 07, 2000                                 #
#         Rashis 81-82 Of 7800 (1.1%)                     #
#                                                         #
#      Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,    #
#             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
#             http://www.shamash.org/rashi                #
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#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#

We now complete the unit on PURITY--T-H-R started last issue
by discussing Rav Hirsch's beautiful theory of Toomah.
A summary of our examples is also given.

Rav Hirsch interprets

>RITUAL   PURITY = A state of Mental Sparkle and Clarity
>Ritual IMPURITY = a state of confusion and depression;
an inability to spontaneously act

Here are some examples of Rav Hirschs theory
>EXAMPLE 1: If a person is sitting SHIVAH because someone
died then that person has had their mental
clarity slightly dampened...they have lost
their sparkle...indeed the thought that we
all must die fights against the thought that
we should embark on life long projects--after
all, why should I start a project late in life
if I know I will die and not complete it! Thus
the sight of death dampens sparkle

>EXAMPLE 2: A person who experiences say nocturnal accidents
may have his sense of freedom in the physical
intimacy area dampened...After all...the person
sees that involuntary 'accidents' can happen to
him at night. He may reason that ALL activity in
the physical area is 'determined'--he may doubt
that there is free will. It is this loss of
belief in free will that Rav Hirsch identifies
with 'loss of sparkle' and ritual impurity.

Enough said---those wishing to continue pursuing this
beautiful subject are invited to read Rav Hirsch's
beautiful 50 page essay on Numbers 19, the Red Heiffer...
one of the great classics of Jewish Symbolism.

A summary of illustrative verses and meanings of T-H-R
may be found below in {LIST1}

LISTS,NOTES,SUMMARIES:(This section may be ignored on a 1st Reading)

{LIST1} {The fundamental meaning of
This {LIST} contains several verse examples illustrating
this (Courtesy of RADACK)*1}

=====       ====
Job37-22    ..a wind comes(after a storm) & SPARKLES/CLEARS the sky
Mal3-3      & metal workers will SPARKLE the silver (from its dross)
Ex24-10     ...like a SPARKLING SKY
Lv24-04     on the SPARKLING (Goldish **and** clean) Candellabrah
2Kings5-10  ..& wash in the Jordan & your skin will sparkle*2

*1 We have shown above how the concept of
>RITUAL   PURITY = a CLEAR mental state;
>RITUAL IMPURITY = a confused/dampened mental state

*2 The person in question had leprosy. The prophet told him to
bath in the river and
>your skin will sparkle


========  ============= =======================
Ex24-10e  Sky           Sparkling Sky
Ex24-10c  Prophecy      Sparkling Prophecy
Ex31-08a  Candellabrah  Sparkling Candellabrah (made of Gold)
Lv24-04a  Candellabrah  Spotless Candellabrah
Lv24-06b  Table         Spotless table

Actually T-H-R does not mean SPARKLE but more precisely

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*