#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
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  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Nu33-52b

RASHIS COVERED: Nu33-52b Lv26-01b Nu33-52c
                Lv19-04b Dt29-16b Dt29-16a
                Ex20-04a Lv19-04a Dt29-16a

=================== Nu33-52b ============================

One of Rashis main tasks is to explain the meaning
of words. There are a variety of vehicles by which
words can acquire meaning.

In this posting we review 5 words for IDOLS. These
5 words illustrate many of the 8 basic methods of
naming objects.

A previous series on naming may be found at

Idols are called
- CARVED, by their FORM--they are CARVED
- DONT, by their FUNCTION -- they prohibit
- MOLTEN, the their SUBSTANCE--they are molten objects
- DISGUST, stating how Jews FEEL about them
- DUNG, a GOOD EXAMPLE of somethinjg disgusting.

Each of the methods mentioned FORM, SUBSTANCE etc
are illustrated in the lists below
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ================================
SEE BELOW                LIST820a
List of words            Meaning IDOL
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST812a
List of                  8 Naming methods
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST813a
List of words            Named by FORM
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST814a
List of words            Named by FORM OF ACTIVITY
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST815a
List of words            Named by FUNCTION
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST816a
List of words            Named by distinguishing property
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST817a
List of words            Named by GOOD EXAMPLE
------------------------ --------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST818a
List of words            Named by SUBSTANCE

==================== LIST820a ==================================

We review 6 words meaning IDOL. The 6 words name
idols using 5 methods of naming objects (eg REPULSIVE,
names the idol by how you FEEL about it while DONT
names the idol by how idolaters perceive the function
of the gods---to NEGATE & PROHIBIT life activity)
VERSE    WORD    MEANS    METHOD       Explanation of Method
======== ======= ======== ============ =========================
Lv26-01b MSCITH  COVERED  FORM         COVER Floor to kneel
Lv26-01b MSCITH  COVERED  FUNCTION     COVER/Protect people*1
Nu33-52b MSCITH  COVERED  FORM         COVER Floor to kneel
Nu33-52b MSCITH  COVERED  FUNCTION     COVER/Protect people*1
Nu33-52c MSYCH   MOLTEN   SUBSTANCE    Made of MOLTEN metal
Nu33-52c MSYCH   MOLTEN   FUNCTION     Strong as MOLTEN metal*2
Lv19-04b MSYCH   MOLTEN   SUBSTANCE    Made of MOLTEN metal
Lv19-04b MSYCH   MOLTEN   FUNCTION     Strong as MOLTEN metal*2
Dt29-16b GLL     DUNG     GOOD EXAMPLE Good example of REPULSIVE
Lv19-04a ELIL    DONT     FUNCTION     gods PROHIBIT activity*3

*1 Most scholars consider the FORM method the main one
   (Thus MSCITH is named because IT COVERS THE GROUND
   allowing you to Kneel). But it is important to
   emphasize that very often words have DUAL NAMING
   METHODS (form AND function). That is the language
   picks a FORM that is indicative of the FUNCTION
   In this case the idol is perceived as COVERING
   and PROTECTING people.

*2 MOLTEN objects are typically very strong.Rashi notes
   that Lv19-04 uses a CLIMAX METHOD
   -- First it refers to IDOLS as things that PROHIBIT

   -- Second it refers to idols as STRONG beings that
   govern all of life

   Thus we have a progression in the Deity conception

*3 Rashis exact language is
   ALL from AL (Dont)
   The idols are thought of as NO

   I interpret the last sentence to mean that
   the idols are perceived as saying NO NO.
   (One can also suggest an interpretation that
   the idols are perceived as NOUGHT but I think
   the interpretation we suggested is preferable)

==================== LIST812a ==============================

The 8 methods of naming with examples.
Each METHOD is further illustrated in other
lists below

#   METHOD OF NAMING                 EXAMPLES           LIST
=== ================================ ================== =======
(1) The SUBSTANCE of the object      the PLASTER        818a
(2) The FORM of the object           Pentagon           813a
(3) By ACTIVITY-FORM                 SURFing the web    814a
(4) The FUNCTION of the object       United nations     815a
(5) UNIQUE PROPERTIES of a phenomena Sunset, Revolver   816a
(6) How the act FEELS                HARDship
(7) By EXAGGERATION                  SkyScraper
(8) By a GOOD EXAMPLE                HONEY means SWEET  817a

======================== LIST813a ===============================

Items named by FORM. eg The color ORANGE comes from
the FORM of the ORANGE fruit. The FLOWER ornament looks
like a real flower
#   VERSE    WORD IN VERSE               MEANING
=== ======== =========================== ========================
(1) Ex25-31d The THIGH of the Menorah    Bottom*1
(2) Ex40-22a On the THIGH of the temple  in the North
(3) Ex40-22b On the THIGH of the temple  in the North
(4) Lv01-11a On the THIGH of the Altar   Bottom
(5) Ex25-31f A BUD ornament              looks like a bud
(6) Ex25-31g The FRUIT ornaments         looks like a fruit)
(7) Ex25-31h The FLOWER ornament         FORM of a FLOWER
(8) Lv13-03b CLOUD WHITE                 Color of CLOUD
(9) Ex28-32a Garments MOUTH-HEAD         Garments Neck
(10)Ex28-33a POMEGRANATE ornament        Looks like POMEGRANATES
(12)Ex25-04a The BLUE                    thread died BLUE
(13)Ex25-04b The RED                     thread died RED
(16)Lv13-55d PChTheTh(Deep wound)        Looks like a pit(PCTh)
(17)Lv13-18a SHCHIN (Boil-deep wound)    Looks like a pit(SCH)
(18)-------- PENTAGON                    Named by its shape
(21)-------- Cherry (color)              Looks like cherry(Fruit)

======================= LIST814a ==================================
Words named by FORM OF ACTIVITY. For example, a STORM refers
to ALOT of drops. By analogy a BRAINSTORM refers to a ALOT
of thoughts
#    WORD         MEANS                     FROM   MEANING
==== ============ ========================= ====== ================
(19) BrainSTORM   ALOT of Thought droplets  STORM  ALOT of drops
(20) SURF The web BUMPY lookups             SURF   BUMPY journey
(22) LOUD Dress   ALOT of noticability      LOUD   ALOT of noise

======================== LIST815a ====================================
Words named by function. Thus the PENTAGON is named by its
FORM (Looks like a PENTAGON) while the UNITED NATION is
named by its FUNCTION
#    The function of     NAME               Relation to FUNCTION
==== =================== ================== ==========================
(4)  The function of the UNITED NATIONS     is to unite countries
(5)  The function of a   LAWNMOWER          is to MOW your LAWN
(6)  The function of a   HANGER             is to HANG clothing
(7)  The function of a   PHOTOCOPY machine  is to make COPIES*6
(8)  The funciton of a   HEARing aid        is to help you HEAR
(9)  The function of a   TELeVISION         is that it TELls VISION
(10) The function of a   CAN OPENER         is that it OPENS CANS
(11) The function of a   TYPEWRITER         is that it WRITES in TYPE
(13) The function of a   STAND is furniture on which you STAND stings

======================== LIST816a =================================
Words named by a distinguishing PROPERTY. For example
a TIE is a garment--it is that GARMENT which requires
TIEING (and hence the name TIE)
#     WORD          IS A...          WITH THE PROPERTY NAMING IT
===== ============= ================ ==============================
(101) REVOLVER      is a gun         with a REVOLVING cylinder
(102) The FLOPPY    is a disk        you can FLOP around
(103) A TIE         is a garment     that you wear by TIEING it
(104) The SWEATER   is that garment  which makes you sweat
(105) A LAPTOP      is that computer that you can hold in your lap
(106) A ROCKER      is that chair    that rocks when you sit on it
(107) A TOY GUN     is a TOY         that LOOKS like a GUN

========================= LIST817a ================================
Words / Meanings illustrating the GOOD EXAMPLE technique.
This list also illustrates NEW MEANINGS. Thus BREAD refers
to BREAD. But because BREAD is a GOOD EXAMPLE of a food,
therefore BREAD can refer to ANY FOOD.
#     WORD               STRICT MEANING     or   BROAD MEANING
===== ================== ================== ==== ==================
(101) Day can mean       the 12 hour period or   the 24 hour period
(102) Bread can mean     Bread              or   Any Food
(103) Man (ISH)can mean  Male               or   Any person
(104) E-L-H-I-M can mean God                or   Any Judge
(105) IN                 IN                 or   AMONG

=========================== LIST818a ============================
Illustration of NAMING by SUBSTANCE. For example, GLASSES
are MADE of GLASS but refer to a UTENSIL that helps one see
#   OBJECT     MADE OF               BUT FUNCTIONS AS
=== ========== ===================== ============================
(1) LINOLEUM   is made of linoleum   and covers floors
(2) An IRON    is made of iron       and is used to iron clothes
(3) PLASTER    is made of plaster    and binds material
(4) GLASSES    is made of glass      and helps you see
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 18 Number 12

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 18 Number 12