#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Nu31-48a

RASHIS COVERED: Lv26-16a Nu01-50a Nu01-49a Nu26-62a Nu14-29a
                Nu31-48a Gn40-04a

================== PKD has 8 MEANINGS ==========================

THe root PKD has 8 meanings. THese meanings can vary
depending upon the grammatical mode used and the context
Here are some rules
-- in the PASSIVE, PKD means MISSING
-- in the AcTIVE with no PREPOSITION, PKD means REVU
-- in the CAUSATIVE, PKD means to APPOINT
However if numbers are mentioned in the verse then even

I first tackled this difficult root in
http://www.Rashiyomi.com/h2n7.htm (Posting v4-1-50)
One can also look up http://www.Rashiyomi.com/nu01-50a.htm

In that posting I simply noted that CONTEXT can distinguish
between PKD meaning APPOINT vs COUNT

Yossi Zoimen who has frequently contributed to this list
pointed out that PKD always means APPOINT in the CAUSATIVE
and always means COUNT in the ACTIVE.

Actually a more thorough analysis shows that in the

To complicate matters, although Yossis observations are
true there seem to be 2 exceptions which are dealt with
in the footnotes*10.

Accordingly I consider this list a work in progress.
On the one hand I believe the list of verses below gives
very strong evidence of the partial rules we have
advocated. On the other hand I believe a more full
explanation is needed. Here is the list
MODE       PRP VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE--PKD translation is CAPPED
========== === ======== =========================================
ACTIVE     ETH Gn21-01  God REMEMBERED Sarah (& gave her a child)
ACTIVE     ETH Ex04-31  They understood that God REMEMBERED them
ACTIVE     ETH 1S02-21  God REMEMBERED Channah
ACTIVE     ETH Nu26-63  Who COUNTED the Jews in Sinai
ACTIVE     ETH Nu01-49a Do not COUNT the Levites
---------- --- -------- -----------------------------------------
ACTIVE     AL  Ex32-34  I will APPOINT their sins against them*1
ACTIVE     AL  Is13-11  I will APPOINT (Command)evil against them
ACTIVE     AL  Jr15-03  I will APPOINT on them 4 families
---------- --- -------- -----------------------------------------
ACTIVE     --- Ps89-33  I will REVU  their sins with a rod
ACTIVE     --- Jb05-24  You will REVU your family & find no fault
ACTIVE     --- Ps65-10  You have REVUed the land & watered it
---------- --- -------- -----------------------------------------
CAUSATIVE      Gn39-05  Since he APPOINTED him on his house
CAUSATIVE      2R07-17  The king APPOINTED the officer there
CAUSATIVE      Js10-18  APPOINT people to watch them
CAUSATIVE      Lv26-16a I will APPOINT against them wild animals
CAUSATIVE      Nu01-50a Now APPOINT the Levites on the Temple
---------- --- -------- -----------------------------------------
INTERACTIV     Nu26-62a Levites WERE NOT COUNTED among the Jews*2
---------- --- --------------------------------------------------
Participle     Nu31-48a The APPOINTED OFFICERS on the army
Participle     Nu01-46  The Total COUNT*3
Participle     Nu14-29a All your COUNTED people will die*4
---------- --- -------- -----------------------------------------


*1 The concept of VISITING SINS AGAINST PEOPLE occurs
   - in the ACTIVE (Ex32-34)
   - in the CAUSATIVE (Lv26-16a)
   Rashi resolves this by translating
   I will APPOINT their sins against them

   At any rate the ACTIVE tense
   - DOES use PKD to denote VISITING punishment
   - DOES not use PKD to denote APPOINTING an officer

*2 The interactive seems to be used for the passive
   I expect there is some further nuance but cannot find it.

*3 An additional point is that PKD only means COUNT in
   the context of ASSIGNMENT. That is we can translate
   PKD either as APPOINT or ASSIGN. Some typical verses would be
   -- ASSIGN the Jews of 20 and above
   -- all the ASSIGNMENTS that were ASSIGNED were so many

   It would then make sense that
   -- PKD means ASSIGN (not count)
   -- PKD means VISIT sins (ASSIGN punishments for sins)
   -- PKD in the CAUSATIVE means to APPOINT (Make someone
      CAUSE others to be ASSIGNED)

   Perhaps this is the simplest approach.

   Note especially Gn40-04a
   And Joseph was ASSIGNED to the same prison ward

   The translations JOE WAS COUNTED WITH THEM or
   JOE WAS APPOINTED ON THEM are inappropriate.

   Against this simple approach are verses like Gn21-01:
   God REMEMBERED Sarah and gave her a child.

   The translation ASSIGN would not be appropriate here.

*4 Rashi makes two points
   - only those above 20 were punished since God does not punish
     people between 12/13 and 20

   - The Levites were not punished

   But the fact that the Levites were not punished is not
   inferred from here. Rather it is inferred from the fact
   - they did not sin among the spies (indeed there was no
     Levite representative)
   - they were not punished on account of the spy sin
   - they in general abstained from the sins of the Jewish
     people (Such as the Golden calf, the spies and the
     Moabite Prostitution)

-------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES --------------

*10 There are two apparent exceptions to the assertion that
    in the active mode PKD means REMEMBER/VISIT/COUNT.

    And the prison managers APPOINTED Joseph with them
    and he served them

    However I would translate this verse as follows

    And the prison managers COUNTED Joseph with them
    (with the chef and wine butler)

    The point being that there are no APPOINTMENTS in
    prison. Rather every prisoner was ASSIGNED to a
    different quarter. Joseph was assigned (or counted)
    with the Kings servants (apparently because Joseph
    was respected for his good work for Potiphar)

    ..all the birds will be on this desolate spot...
    none of them will be missing
    none of them will be MISSING

    The rule of thumb is that
    -- in the PASSIVE, PKD means MISSING
    -- in the ACTIVE, PKD means to COUNT

    But in Isa34-16, PKD seems to mean TO COUNT.

    And in fact the major rishonim--Rashi, Radack, Ibn Ezra
    --translate it this way.

    But this would be the only exception where PKD in the
    active has the passive meaning of missing!!

    Therefore I would translate the verse as
    ..all the birds will be on this desolate spot...
    none of them will be missing
    none of them will be (obsessively) COUNTING

    In other words, when something is missing you
    count to see if it is there. A mother bird who
    is worried about losing her birds will go into
    a counting routine. So the verse states
    - no bird will be missing
    - no bird will even have anxiety about missing

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 14 Number 16

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 14 Number 16