#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |

VERSE: Nu20-29c

QUESTION: Someone from Baltimore asked me at Shabbath lunch
this week to explain the wording of Rashi on Nu20-29c.

VERSE: Nu20-29c & the nation saw THAT(ki) Aaron died
RASHI: "The Hebrew word "ki" means "THAT" in this sentence.
       This is one of the four main meanings of "ki" which
       can denote WHERE (AY) (or HOW) an activity took place
       (Do not be surprised that KI can mean THAT since) we
       find that the word IF (im) can also mean THAT"*1

Thus Rashi is explaining the meaning of words.
I think Rashi reads very smoothly as translated above. I
have inserted some parenthetical phrases to smooth the
transition.  Rashi also gives some verses supporting this
usage. We include these examples in the lists below which
come from http://www.RashiYomi.Com/gn41-49a.htm on the
Rashi website and from the cross-referenced Volume 4 Number 1
We explain there that there are 6 meanings to the Hebrew
word "ki". These are exhibited in {LIST2} while examples
of verses where "ki" or "im" mean THAT occur in {LIST1}

{LIST1} {Examples from Rashi where "ki" means THAT}

VERSE    TEXT where "im" or "ki" means THAT
======== =====================================================
Nu20-29d And the nation saw THAT Aaron had died
Gn43-07d Did we know THAT he would ask us to bring him
Gn24-33a I will not eat until the time THAT I speak
Gn24-19a I'll water your animals until THAT time THAT they stop
Job21-4  THAT I speak to God (without answer) is why I'm upset

{LIST2} {Meanings of KI. See {LIST1} for further examples. Note
	that there are more than the traditional 4 meanings
	that Chazal claim}

MEANING	 TEXT--Translation of "ki" is CAPPED
=======  =================================================
Gn18-15 She denied laughing BECAUSE she was afraid
Gn31-16 He ate our possessions EXCEPT what God left us
Gn18-15 And they said, No! RATHER we'll stay on street
Ex34-09 IF the Jews are stiff necked then forgive them
Gn43-07 Did we know THAT he would ask us to bring him
Gn29-15 IS being a relative an excuse to charge you nothing

*1 Rashi goes into more detail. Rashi explains that the
   word BECAUSE denotes a relationship between TWO
   sentences (and hence does not apply in this verse)
   He uses this fact to refute the aramaic translation

   On the other hand the word "THAT" (as in "They saw
   THAT Aaron died") introduces a speficity in the
   activity of the sentence.
          >"They saw"--
          >WHAT did they see?--
          >"They saw THAT AAron died".
   Rashi metaphorically refers to this capacity of "ki" to
   denote specificity by using the words WHERE (which denotes
   specificity in space) and THAT (Which denotes specificity
   in general)
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 6 Number 24

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 6 Number 24