Individual Postings 1st appeared(& were copied in html form) on the Email List Mail Jewish

From: Russell Hendel <rhendel@saber.towson.edu> Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 19:25:55 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Does Judaism Recognize inductive Reasoning Chaim Manaster in MJ v33n2 responds to my suggestion that some numerical oddities in Nu-1 and Nu-2 can be resolved by assuming that all census figures are rounded to the nearest 100 unless the number ends exactly in 50 (in which case it is left as is). (Before citing Chaims suggestion allow me to thank him for Rabbi Kamanetsky's suggestion that the numbers reflect borrowing of people from each tribe so that military units would be in even 100s. I had not heard this and it does support my theory (as Chaim noted)) Returning to my original rounding suggestion Chaim notes that >> I appreciate your response, however, your initial assumption that you seem to take as axiomatic, begs the question. If you can supply a good reason for your assumption, that you supply by fiat, then you do have a satisfying answer. For the moment I am as puzzled by the purpose of the >> I am glad Chaim said this because many of my Mail Jewish postings are open to the same criticism. Roughly speaking my answer is that my suggestion is INDUCTIVELY justified, not DEDUCTIVELY justified. In other words, the rounding model I suggested numerically fits the data in Nu-1 and Nu-2 nicely and THEREFORE, since it fits the data I am ENTITLED to believe it. This type of logic is called inductive and is used in science all the time Rav Hirsch also advocated it in his commentary. The basic premise is that a premise can be proved if it is fits the data correctly and is simple. Since Rav Hirsch used this method throughout his commentary maybe we should have a thread on this--"How does one prove things in Judaism" Russell Jay Hendel; Phd ASA; rhendel@Towson.edu Moderator Rashi is Simple http://www.RashiYomi.Com -------------NEW NEW CHECK IT OUT