Sentence parts may be MISSING:#1 of 6
#     10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE               #
#                  Dec 16, 2000                           #
#          Rashis 458-460 Of 7800 (5.9%)                  #
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#            http://www.RashiYomi.Com/                    #
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This new module deals with Rashis which explain verses where
a sentence part is MISSING. There are 4 cases to >MISSING
SENTENCE PARTS<. We begin tonight with the easy case of

The material in this module comes from the following postings
on the Rashi Website


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

EXAMPLE 1: Gn41-13a
   RASHI: The verse Gn41-13a states

   & there was there a slave(JOSEPH) who interpreted our dreams;
   and as >HE< (Joseph) interpreted the dreams so did they occur;
   >HE< returned me to my job;
   but >HE< hanged the other person

   This sounds as if JOSEPH returned him to his job and as if
   JOSEPH hanged the other person he interpreted for.

   The phrase is missing a SUBJECT and should read
   & there was there a slave(JOSEPH) who interpreted our dreams;
   and as >HE< (Joseph) interpreted the dreams so did they occur;
   >HE< (PHAROH) returned me to my job;
   but >HE< (PHAROH) hanged the other person

As we have exlained often, Rashi may make the same comment
on several different verses but only FULLY explain himself in
one verse. On this verse Rashi explains as follows

The traditional method of identifying the SUBJECT of a
sentence (WHO did the activity) is to use the last mentioned
person. So for example if the verse says

 >As HE(=Joseph) interpreted so it happens;
 and HE returned me<

then the grammatically proper way to interpret this verse
would be to suggest that JOSEPH returned him to his job

But there is a second alternative method for interpreting
Biblical verses and that is to use the OBVIOUS SUBJECT, the
person CAPABLE of doing the activities. Thus if it says
then it must be referring to PHAROH who was in charge and
capable of granting jobs and executing people.

(Also see Rashi on Gn01-01b for a statement about missing
sentence parts) Let us now review other examples of missing
or misreferenced subjects

EXAMPLE 2: Gn29-02a

  RASHI: The phrase Gn29-02a

  there were 3 flocks RESTING by the well because from that well
  >THEY< watered the flocks

  makes it sound as if the flocks watered themselves!

  Actually the sentence is MISSING a SUBJECT and should read
  there were 3 flocks RESTING by the well because from that well
  >THEY< (The >SHEPARDS<) watered the flocks

EXAMPLE 3: Gn39-14a

   RASHI: The phrase Gn39-12:14

   And she grabbed him(JOSEPH) by his clothes (to seduce him)
   but >HE< (>JOSEPH) fled and
   when she saw >HE< (>JOSEPH<) fled she told her staff
   see that >HE< brought us a slave to tease us

   makes it sound as if JOSEPH brought himself to this household!

   Actually the sentence is MISSING A SUBJECT and should read
   And she grabbed him(JOSEPH) by his clothes (to seduce him)
   but >HE< (>JOSEPH) fled and
   when she saw >HE< (>JOSEPH<) fled she told her staff
   see that >HE< (My >HUSBAND<) brought us a slave to tease us

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*