#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President,2006        |
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VERSE: Lv04-33a

RASHIS COVERED: Lv04-33a Lv14-12a Lv25-02a Nu06-02c
               Lv03-03c Lv01-09a Lv05-09b Lv05-12a

============================ Lv04-33a ===========================

One of Rashis 10 main tasks is to explain
GRAMMAR the same way modern Hebrew books
explain GRAMMAR. We call this the Rashi GRAMMAR rule.
Rashi had three broad sub-rules in explaining GRAMMAR

(1) A major component of Hebrew GRAMMAR are the rules
governing conjugations of VERBS, or HEBREW ROOTS.
There are 7 grammatical modes with half a dozen
parameters: tense, person, gender, plurality,
connective words...

(2) Another component of GRAMMAR deals with
PREFIXES-SUFFIXES and other letters, or small words,
that  indicate changes in meanings.This PREFIX-SUFFIX
subrule includes the rules governing the rules of
plural, gender, pronouns etc. We are still making
discoveries of PREFIX-SUFFIX rules today.

(3) Finally a more advanced part of GRAMMAR deals
with the rules of entire SENTENCES. The SENTENCE
rules includes the rules governing sentence order,
apposition, and compound sentences

Today we deal with the following rule
The Hebrew prefix LAMED means FOR and connotes
purpose, goal and intent.

Here are some examples where FOR connotes
purpose, goal and intent.

Example 1: Lv04-33a
Rashi translates Lv04-33 as follows
slaughter it FOR THE SAKE of a sin offering

Example 2: Lv14-12a
Rashi translates Lv14-12 as follows
slaughter it FOR THE SAKE of a guilt offering

Example 3: Lv25-02a
Rashi translates Lv25-02 as follows
Observe the Sabbath FOR THE SAKE of God

Example 4: Nu06-02c
Rashi translates Nu06-02 as follows
he vows to abstain from wine FOR THE SAKE

Example 5: Ex25-02a
Rashi translates Ex25-02 as follows
Take temple donations make FOR MY SAKE

Note that any one of these Rashis might appear, by itself,
as homiletic. But the rules taken together create a list
which justifies the rule.

LIST705b below summarizes these examples.
LIST705a presents a sister rule that FOR ME/FOR YOU

The second rule governs PRONOUN EMPHASIS.
- A single letter suffix/prefix pronoun
  does not indicate emphasis
- a full-word pronoun does indicate
  unspecified emphasis.

Example 1: Lv03-03c
Lv03-03 states as follows
If he brings an UP offering
then he must offer IT
male,unblemished, 1 year:
He brings ONLY IT to the entrance of the temple

Here we have followed the translation that
- suffix VAV is translated as IT
- The Hebrew OTHO is translated as ONLY IT

Rashi comments on the contrast between IT vs ONLY IT
- OFFER IT has no emphasis
- OFFER ONLY IT connotes restriction.
Here is a plausable way to implement these two
- If the animals of Abe and Bob got mixed up
then we still make the offering even though
we dont know who is the true owner
- If however a kosher offering was mixed with
a non-kosher offering (e.g. the animal had a
blemish) then you can't offer either animal
because ONLY the Kosher offering can be offered

Examples 2-4
In the following verse the Biblical phrases
- IT is an UP offering
- IT is a SIN offering
- IT is a GUILT offering
connote unspecified emphasis. My opinion is that
Rashi used the OTHER VERSE method to infer the
- We have seen above that offerings have to be
slaugthered with proper intent
- So the following verses tell us that this
proper intent is a NECESSARY REQUIREMENT:
Without it the offering is invalid.

Example 2: Lv01-09a IT is an UP offering
Example 3: Lv05-09b IT is a SIN offering
Example 4: Lv05-12a IT is a SIN offering

LIST706a below summarizes this rule.
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== ========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST705b
List of verses with      LAMED indicating purpose,goal,intent
-----------------------  ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST706a
List of verses with      OTHO/HU meaning ONLY IT

======================= LIST705b =================================
List of verses with      LAMED indicating purpose,goal,intent
VERSE    TEXT OF VERSE                     FOR=*1
======== ================================= =======================
Lv04-33a slaughter FOR a sin offering      INTEND it for offering
Lv04-12a slaughter FOR a guilt offering    INTENT it for offering
Lv25-02a observe Sabbath FOR God           OBSERVE for sake of God
Nu06-02c abstain from wine FOR God         ABSTAINS FOR God
Ex25-02a Take temple donations FOR ME      Dedications are FOR God

*1 The general idea here is there is a requirement that
   the acts of slaughter, observance and abstention be
   done with the given intent (So if you slaughtered an
   animal in the Temple for a meal (and forgot it was
   an offering) then you can no longer offer it to God
   because it is missing intent.

======================= LIST706a ================================
List of verses with      OTHO/HU meaning ONLY IT
======== =========================== =============================
Lv01-03c Offer it as a 1 year male*1 Even if 2 animals were mixed
Lv01-03c Bring ONLY IT to the temple But not if animals were mixed
-------- --------------------------- -----------------------------
Lv01-09a IT is an UP offering        Intent is necessary*2
Lv05-09b IT is a SIN offering        Intent is necessary*2
Lv05-12a IT is a SIN offering        Intent is necessary*2

Here is a plausable way to implement these two
- If the animals of Abe and Bob got mixed up
then we still make the offering even though
we dont know who is the true owner
- If however a kosher offering was mixed with
a non-kosher offering (e.g. the animal had a
blemish) then you can't offer either animal
because ONLY the Kosher offering can be offered

My opinion is that
Rashi used the OTHER VERSE
method to infer the emphasis.
- We have seen in LIST705b
  that offerings have to be
  slaugthered with proper intent
  That is you must slaughter them for
  the sake of an offering.
- So the current verses tell us that this
  proper intent is a NECESSARY REQUIREMENT:
  Without it the offering is invalid. So if
  you slaughtered animals for the sake of
  food you cant offer them.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 29 Number 11

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2006, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 29 Number 11