#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 December  7th, 2001                     #
#          Rashis 1129-1131 Of 7800 (14.5%)               #
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#    Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,      #
#  (c) 1999-2001, RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President     #
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   =============  HOT ITEMS ================================
   The 6 Rashi Rules    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/rules-01.htm
   ENGLISH RASHI:       http://www.mnemotrix.com/metsudah
   THE WHITE PAPERS:    http://www.RashiYomi.Com/white.htm
This module studies Rashis treatment of classical grammar.
In other words how did Rashi treat the rules you find in
modern LEARN-HEBREW textbooks

It is exciting but we are finally completing this GRAMMAR
module. We will publish a grand summary showing 5 types of
GRAMMAR comments that Rashi provides insight on. In the
last few days we will cover about a dozen left over Rashis.

In the last two days of this grammar module we cover the
topic of extra letters & superfluous spellings.

Todays unit comes from the following postings


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 144: Lv07-16b on the next day #what is left over is burnt
EXAMPLE 145: Nu23-18b listen to me, #son of Tzippor
EXAMPLE 146: Ex16-06c Your Right Arm, God,is #Exalted in strength

To understand how this LIST is constructed we use Gn36-24a
as an example. The verse Gn36-24 LITERALLY translates as
These are the children of Tzivon AND Aya & Ana

Notice how the CAPPED word, AND, appears totally out of
place and distorts the cohesiveness of the verse.

Rashi suggests as a remedy that we simply regard
this word, AND, as extra. Hence the sentence translates
These are the children of Tzivon: #Aya & Ana

The pound sign (#) indicates the place of the missing
word AND (Note how in Hebrew the word AND is represented
by a single letter)

A similar approach applies to the other verses

The list below presents Rashis which comment on these
superfluous or extra letters. This list also includes
the examples from yesterdays list.
VERSE LETTER Text of Verse with Extra Letter
Ex14-28a Lamed The waters covered the chariots:#All Pharohs army
Ex27-03 Lamed Make its pans, forks..--#All its utensils--copper
Ex27-19 Lamed #All temple utensils & all pegs are copper
Nu04-32 Lamed He was responsible for the pillars..#all utensils
Gn31-13a Hay I am #the God of Bethel where you made an altar
Nu34-02 Hay When you come to #the land of Cnaan
Gn36-24a Vav These are the children of Tzivon: #Aya & Ana
Dn08-13 Vav How long will be given over #the holy nation
Lv07-16b Vav But on the next day #what is left over is burnt
Nu23-18b Vav ...listen to me the #son of Tzippor
Ex16-06c Yud Your Right Arm, God, is #Exalted in strength
Lam01-01 Yud How has the #Great nation become isolated
Gn31-39 Yud I brought no casualty to you: #Day or night theft
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#