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VERSE: Gn49-24c

RASHIS COVERED: Gn49-24c Gn50-23a

================================ Gn49-24c ===========================

One of Rashi's 10 main goals is to explain Grammar
the same way Hebrew textbooks explain Grammar.
One grammar method that overlaps with word
meaning is the NOUN-VERB-ADJ-TRANSFORMS method.
This method studies how words can change from

EXAMPLE 1: Gn49-24c
they GOLDED his hands

Rashi explains
- They did the STANDARD ACTIVITY of Gold on hands
- That is: They put a GOLD RING on his hand
- So the verse refers to the appointment of Joseph
- as prime minister and the symbolic affirmation
- of this by the King placing his ring on Joseph's
- finger

EXAMPLE 2: Gn50-23a
Joseph's great grandchildren
were CHILDRENED on his lap

Rashi explains
TO CHILDREN someone means to
RAISE/CREATE them. [In passing
it is the nature of grandparents
to play with grandchildren on
their lap]

LIST050d studies other words whose meaning
changes due to shift in grammatical function
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================== =========================================
SEE BELOW                LIST050d
List of words with       Grammatical function shift=Meaning shift

======================= LIST050d =============================
List of words with Grammatical function shift=Meaning shift
NOUN-VERB  VERB Means                              TYPE
========== ======================================= ===========
ToCHILD*16 To RAISE/CREATE children                Create
To TENT*12 Pitch many tents for flocks/shepards    Create
To ARM     Make someone ARMED*11                   Create
To Plant   Creation (planting) of plants           Create
To record  To Create a record                      Create
To milk    To Create(bring forth) milk             Create
To fire*1  To Create a fire(e.g.in a furnace)      Create
To build   To Create a building                    Create
To worm    To produce/bring forth Worms*2          Create
To BORDER  To make borders*3                       Create
EMBROIDER  Make embroidery*4                       Create
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
To Young   Remove / cut the young grapes*9
To dust    Removal of dust *5                      Remove
To UpRoot  To remove the roots(from the ground)    Remove
To DeFrost To remove the frost                     Remove
Blood*6    To remove the blood (ie to KILL)        Remove
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
To hammar  Do Standard activity done with hammar   Standard
To screw   Do Standard activity done with screws   Standard
To fan     Do Standard activity done with a Fan    Standard
To Dough   Do standard activity with DOUGH*7       Standard
To Fly     FLYING-Standard activity of Housefly    Standard
To COAT    To place coat on and tighten it*8       Standard
PACE       PACE=speed of WALK=activity of FEET*14  Standard
PathPeople A Caravan=People on the Path*15         Standard
ToGOLDHand Standard use:Place Golden ringOnHand*17 Standard
---------  ------------------------------------    --------
ToBe Able  ABILITY=STATE of TO BE ABLE             STATE*10

*1 eg To FIRE a furnace

*2 Ex16-20b

*3 Ex19-12a

*4 Ex28-39a EMBROIDER the pants of LINEN
   means make them embroidered

*5 Nu04-13b

*6 Lv17-04a

*7 As we have explained it TO DOUGH would mean
   to BAKE. Actually we need another step. A verb
   can refer to its ACTIVITY FORM. So the 2 steps are
   - DOUGH becomes TO DOUGH=to BAKE
   - TO DOUGH becomes TO SWELL (form of DOUGH rising)
   See LIST814a for more details

*8 Ex29-05a

*9 Lv19-10a

------------------------ LONGER FOOTNOTES -----------------

*10 Abstract State

*11 Nu31-03b

*13 Gn13-12a

*14 Rashi (Gn33-14d Gn33-14e) analyzes the word FOOTPACE
    as follows
    - FEET describe objects (NOUNS)
    - WALKING is the STANDARD ACTIVITY of the FEET(Verb)
    - PACE is the SPEED of walking(Adverbial
    description of HOW FAST the walk is taking place).

Note: PACE itself is a noun but it functions
adverbially as describing how fast the walk is.

*15 Technically
    - The Hebrew root Aleph-Resh-Ceth means PATH
    - PATH is an OBJECT (Noun)
    - When made into an ATTRIBUTE (Adjective)
    - Aleph-Resh-Ceth means PATH-PEOPLE--a CARAVAN

*16 Gn50-23a

*17 Gn49-24c
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Volume 28 Number 15

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 28 Number 15