FULL-DEFICIENT:3 methods:#2 of 12
         #      10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE              #
         #            May 18, 2000                                 #
         #         Rashis 52-53 Of 7800 (0.5%)                     #
         #                                                         #
         #      Reprinted with permission from Rashi-is-Simple,    #
         #             (c) 1999-Present, Dr. Hendel                #
         #             http://www.shamash.org/rashi                #
         #                                                         #
         #Permission to reprint with this header but not for profit#
         #                                                         #
         #      WARNING: READ with COURIER 10 (Fixed width) FONTS  #

In this series we will review all Rashis on
        >FULL &
We can illustrate the meaning of these terms using simple English
examples. There are two methods

The word
can be spelled
        >SLEP (deficiently spelled without the extra e)
        >SLEEP (fully spelled with all e's)

In METHOD 1 if a verse said
        >He tried to get some SLEP
the proper midrashic response would be
        >He tried to get a good night SLEP
        >did not succeed.
The argument would be
        >Since the word SLEP is spelled deficiently
        >we learn that the sleep itself was deficient.
In other words in METHOD 1 we transfer the
        >deficiency in the SPELLING
to a
        >deficiency in the OBJECT or ACTIVITY spoken about

The word
can be spelled
        >KIT (Deficiently--it is missing (deficient) 1 letter e)
        >KITE (Fully with the E)
In METHOD 2 we interpret the deficiently spelled word as a pun.
We actually give the sentence a double meaning. Thus if a sentence
        >The father bought his son a KIT  to fly in the park
We would midrashically interpret this to mean
        >The father bought his son a KITE
        >The father also bought his son a KITten!
Rashis position is that this interpretation of FULL vs DEFICIENT is
a grammatical rule and is part of the intended meaning of the

In the last issue we gave an example of METHOD 1. We now give an
example of METHOD 2.

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
EXAMPLE 3: Gn16-05a

        >May God Judge between me(Sarah) and you (Abraham)
This was said when Hagar gave birth but Sarah could not give birth.

        |EXERCISE 1:                                         |
        |-----------                                         |
        |Using a Konkordance or CD ROM look up the spelling  |
        |of the Hebrew word                                  |
        |       >Between me and you (BayNaYiCh)              |
        |What peculiarity do you find. The answer is given   |
        |below in {LIST1} and in the sequel.                 |

As {LIST1} shows the Hebrew word
        >BETWEEN ME(Sarah) AND YOU(Abraham)
is always spelled deficiently with one exception---(Gn16-05)
when it is spelled full.

We now apply METHOD 2 of interpretation of FULL/DEFICIENT spellings
In this case the FULLY spelled word looks like another word
        >The fully spelled word looks like BayNeChaH---
        >it has a feminine suffix which would make it mean
        >BETWEEN ME (Sarah) and YOU (Hagar)
Thus Rashi is Simple and interprets the verse as a pun
   >Sarah said 'May God judge between me(Sarah) & you(Abraham)'
   >Sarah also said 'May God judge between me and female you(Hagar)'
Note how naturally this interpretation flows--Pure Grammar, Pure
thought, Pure Elegance and Pure simplicity. This is the proper way
to treat Rashi and Chazal.

          |EXERCISE 2:                                       |
          |----------                                        |
          |We have interpreted the verse to mean that Sarah  |
          |cursed Hagar (besides yelling at Abraham). What   |
          |other support (verses in that Biblical Chapter)   |
          |can you find to support this thesis that Sarah    |
          |cursed Hagar.{Answers in Final issue}             |

EXAMPLE 4: Gn01-14

Gn01-14        >Let there be lights (Sun and moon)


        >The deficiently spelled word
                >LIGHTS (OR)
        >looks like the word
                >to curse (ORR); Diptheria (MayRah).

Here too we interpret the verse as a pun.
        >God creates the LIGHTS (Sun and Moon)
        >God also created Diptheria
This also makes alot of sense. The changing climate--
of sun and moon---can bring both good and bad. Both health and
sickness can be attribued to the sun and moon. (It was the
custom of the Pious men of old to fast on Wednesdays (when
the sun was created) so that children shouldn't die of diptheria.

      |HW EXERCISE 3:                            |
      |--------------                            |
      |Look at Gn24-39. Eliezer cites himself    |
      |as saying to Abraham (who asked Eliezer   |
      |to get a wife for Isaac)                  |
      |    >But (ULI)suppose this woman doesn't  |
      |    >follow me back to Isaac?             |
      |                                          |
      | What word in this verse is misspelled?   |
      | What PUN does it suggest to you?         |
      | Does this make sense? Can you find       |
      | another verse supporting this pun?       |
      |                                          |
      | ANSWER  Tomorrow                         |

-------------------{LISTS and other technicalities}----------------
{LIST1} {Of verses containing the words BETWEEN ME AND YOU. The
        Hebrew word BETWEEN ME AND YOU is always spelled
        DEFICIENTLY except in one instance. We therefore interpret
        1-16-5 as indicating that Sarah fought with 2 people--with
        both Abraham and Hagar}

========	========
1-16-5 		FULL
1-23-15		DEFICIENT
1-31-44		DEFICIENT
1-31-48		DEFICIENT
1-31-49		DEFICIENT
1-31-50		DEFICIENT
1-31-51		DEFICIENT

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 1999 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*