#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) Dr Hendel, Summer 2000                          |
  |       http://www.RashiYomi.Com                           |
  | PERMISSION to reprint WITH this header if NOT for profit |


RASHIS COVERED: Dt19-11a Dt20-03c Dt20-03d Dt20-03e Dt20-03f
                Dt20-03g Lv17-13b Nu05-12d Dt25-04a Lv01-02c

                --GRAND SUMMARY--
                --SUCCINCT SUMMARY--

1) If Only the example is stated. Then GENERALIZE IT:
   Dt25-04a: Dont muzzle an OX:
   RASHI:    Dont muzzle ANY ANIMAL

2) If The verse is stated twice: 1st in GENERAL & then in DETAIL:
   Then The rule is we interpret it LITERALLY

2a) Nu05-12d If a woman DESCECRATES her marriage (GENERAL)
             and        COMMITS ADULTERY         (DETAIL)
             Then the suspected-water-ceremony is applied
    RASHI: So this ceremony ONLY applies if she commits adultery
           (But this ceremony does not apply if she descecrated
           her marriage in some other way
           eg she insulted her husband)
 In this method,2a the GENERAL CATEGORY is VAGUE(eg DESCECRATES)

2b) Lv01-02c If you offer sacrifices then
             OFFER them from animals-------------(GENERAL)
             OFFER them from cattle & livestock--(DETAILS)
    RASHI: So you can ONLY offer animal sacrifices from cattle &
           livestock. You cannot offer eg beasts.
  In this method, 2b the GENERAL CATEGORY is focused (eg ANIMALS)

2c) Lv17-13b Cover up the blood
             if you slaughter an animal----------(GENERAL)
             that is eaten-----------------------(DETAIL)
    RASHI: So you ONLY cover up blood of KOSHER animals
           that are slaughtered (because 'they can be eaten')
    In method 2c the EXAMPLE ('that is eaten')ADDS A REQUIREMENT
    but does not erase the GENERAL category.

3)  If the Torah uses one of the following 3 styles
           EXAMPLES followed by GENERAL
    Then we SOMEWHAT GENERALIZE the examples to similar items

3a) Ex25-31   Make a CANDELLABRAH-------------------------GENERAL
              It should be GOLD & SCULPTORED(not soldered)(DETAIL
              Let the CANDELLABRAH BE MADE----------------GENERAL
    TALMUD:(Mnacoth 28b)The Candellabrah can be made of ANY METAL
           (not just GOLD). In other words the EXAMPLE part of
           the verse ("GOLD") is GENERALIZED to allow any metal.

3b) Dt20-03 in a war do not be SOFT-HEARTED
                     do not be AFRAID
                     do not be ANXIOUS
                     do not be STUNNEd
    RASHI: The verse outlines the 4 components of fear of enemy
           Do not be afraid of enemy TRANSPORTATION(horses)
           Do not be afraid of enemy RESOURCES (shields)
           Do not be afraid of enemy COMMUNICATION(horns)
           Do not be afraid of enemy MORAL       (battle crys)
   How does Rashi know to translate "DO NOT BE SOFT-HEARTED"
   as refering to FEAR OF HORSES? The answer is he had no
   reason based on the words. Rather the CONTEXT clearly
   speaks about NOT HAVING FEAR IN WAR. Therefore Rashi
   identified the 4 fears in the verse with the varying
   fears possible in war.

   In method 2b we infer from the UNIFYING CONTEXT. It is the
   CONTEXT, not grammar or dictionary, that justifies the
   reinterpretation of words. In other words the Biblical
   phrase SOFT HEARTED does not specifically refer to HORSES
   but Rashi interprets it this way because of the CONTEXT.

   Very often when using this method Rashi appears 'forced'
   or 'not clear'. To help clarify Rashi we should at least
   remember that he is using the principle of CONTEXT.

3c) Dt19-11    If you HATE a person
               and you STALK him
               and you ARISE on him
               and then LETHALLY HIT him
    RASHI: The Bible outlines 4 stages that lead to murder.
           1st you HATE the person, then you SPY on him...
           Then you CONFRONT him and finally this leads to murder
    In method 3c we infer meaning from CONTEXT
    The EXAMPLES usually describe a TEMPORAL sequence leading
    to a CLIMAX.

We next proceed to the 100 examples.
WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 7 Number 14

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2000 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*
Volume 7 Number 14