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VERSE: Ex32-02a

RASHIS COVERED: Ex32-02a Ex32-02b Ex32-03a
                Gn21-06a Ex32-06b Gn17-17a
                Ex32-05b Ex32-05c Ex32-05d

=================== Ex32-02a ================================

One of Rashis 5 main tasks is to explain meaning. We call
this the Rashi rule of WORD MEANING.

Rashi had 10 vehicles to explain meaning. Rashi would
frequently show how different grammatical modes correspond
to different nuances of the same word. We call this the
Rashi subrule of ROOT+PREPOSITION.

EXAMPLE: Root Pay-Resh-Kuph means UNLOAD, YANK, SLIP OFF
- in ACTIVE MODE:      PRK = Unload
- in INTENSE MODE:     PRK = Yank off
- in REFLEXIVE MODE:   PRK = slip off

LIST910i below gives natural examples of verses with each of
the above meanings.

Rashi interprets the verse Ex32-03, AND AARON TOLD
here imply that Aaron wanted the men and wives to fight
(YANK the jewelry)--hence Aaron was looking to STALL...
Rashi therefore interprets other verses to indicate
stalling as follows
- Aaron made an ALTAR (Rashi: To stall)
- Aaron said: A holiday TOMORROW (Rashi: To stall)
- Aaron said: A holiday to GOD (Rashi: Aaron hoped
  Moses would return and they would celebrate a real

EXAMPLE: Root Tzade-Cheth-Kuph means LAUGH vs JEER
- in ACTIVE MODE:      CXQ = laugh, HAPPY

LIST910j belows gives natural examples of verses with each
of the above meanings

Rashi interprets the verse, Ex32-06 AFTER MAKING THE GOLDEN
around and killed somebody)
ITEM                     DETAIL
======================= =====================================
SEE BELOW                LIST901i
List of verses with root PRK=unload, yank off, slip off
------------------------ ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST901j
List of verses with root CXQ = laugh,happy, mock, fool around
------------------------ ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST005n
List of                  5 meanings of ALL (KOL)
------------------------ ----------------------------------
SEE BELOW                LIST210y
List of verses pairs     with one verse illuminating another

======================= LIST901i ==================================
List of verses with root PRK=unload, yank off, slip off
VERSE    MODE        MEANING  TEXT OF VERSE:Meaning of RPH capped
======== =========== ======== =====================================
La05-08  ACTIVE      Unload   they reign over us-noone UNLOADS them
P136-24  ACTIVE      Unload   God UNLOADED our enemies from us
------   ----------  -------  -----------------------------------
1K19-11  INTENSE     YANK     God YANKS mountains--breaks boulders
Za11-16  INTENSE     YANK     God will YANK the hoofs from horses
Ex32-02b INTENSE     YANK     YANK the jewelery from your wives*1
------   ----------  -------  -----------------------------------
Ex32-03  REFLEXIVE   SlipOff  Those with Jewelry let is SLIP OFF
Ez19-12  REFLEXIVE   SlipOff  ..dried boughs SLIP-OFF as if burned

*1 Note the strange tone of
   YANK the Jewelery from your wives

   Hence the Rashi (Ex32-02a)
   Aaron of course did not really want to create a golden
   idol calf. But the people were pressing him. So he
   created a subterfuge...he said he would do it if he
   obtained their wives jewelry. Aaron figured that the
   wives would protest and the dispute would take a few
   days (giving enough time for Moses to return)

========================= LIST910j ===================================
List of verses with root CXQ = laugh, FOOL AROUND/MOCK
VERSE    MODE        MEANING     TEXT OF VERSE:Meaning of RPH capped
======== =========== =========== =====================================
Gn17-17a ACTIVE      Laugh*1     Abe LAUGHED: A 100-yr old have child?
Gn18-13  ACTIVE      Laugh*1     Why did she LAUGH at the idea
Gn21-06a ACTIVE      Laugh*1     They-ll LAUGH on birth of 90 yr old
-------  ----------  ----------  -------------------------------------
Gn19-14  INTENSE     MOCK        They thought he was MOCKING
Ju16-25  INTENSE     MOCK        Bring Samson so we can MOCK him
Gn39-17  INTENSE     FOOL AROUND The slave came to FOOL AROUND with me
Ex32-06b INTENSE     FOOL AROUND ...and they got up to FOOL AROUND*2

*1 Rashi gives more detail:
   - The word LAUGH can either denote
   - - - HAPPINESS (Gn17-17a and Gn21-06a)
   - - - RIDICULE--e.g. he laughed at the idea (Gn18-13)
   Of course since the word use--Tzade-Cheth-Kuph--is the same
   the difference in meaning---HAPPY vs LAUGHED AT---is inferred
   from context.*10
   - Similarly the intense form of CXQ can equally mean
   - - - marital FOOLING AROUND
   - - - irreverant FOOLING AROUND
   - - - MOCKING

*2 The text simply says TO FOOL AROUND. No further details are given.
   Rashi outlines several possibilities
   - they had a BRAWL and killed somebody
   - they engaged in idolatry sex (The sexual orgies associated
     with idolatry)*11

-------------------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES -------------------------

*10   Actually Rashi says two things on this verse
      - all who heard about Sarahs birth were HAPPY(Tzade-Cheth-Kuph)
      - many other barren women gave birth (and hence the HAPPINESS)

      Such double inferences are common in Rashi. It is important
      to understand how to approach them. Typically Rashi
      - is NOT making two comments on one verse item but rather
      - is making TWO comments on TWO verse items!

      In this case Rashi in commenting on the verse
      - interpreting the Hebrew root Tzade-Cheth-Kuph as HAPPY
      - is interpreting the word ALL to refer to other barren women

      See LIST005n below

*11   Rashi does suggest that CHUR was killed--he possibly learned
      this from the OTHER EXPLICIT VERSE
      But Moses said I hear BRAWLING
      - it is not a tone of SUCCESS REFRAINS
      - it is not a tone of SUPPLICATORY REFRAINS
      - it is a tone of TORTURE REFRAINS (Referring to a murder)

      Since Chur is never heard from again it is reasonable that
      if someone was killed it must be him. I am not totally convinced
      at this point that this explains Rashi....I hopeo find further
      support at a later date. For the while we suffice with
      explaining the nunaces of Tzade-Cheth-Kuph.

============================ LIST005n =============================
List of                  5 meanings of ALL (KOL)
======== ========================== ===============================
Gn06-12a ALL FLESH became corrupted EVEN ANIMALS were corrupted*27
Gn07-14a ALL Winged creatures       EVEN Grasshoppers with wings
Lv11-42b ALL crawling on belly      EVEN Snails who crawl*1
Lv11-42c ALL walking on claws       EVEN beetles who crawl*2
Nu21-08b ANYONE Bitten was cured    EVEN Dogbites*3
Lv17-12a ALL shouldn't eat blood    EVEN Minors shouldn't eat*4
Lv19-02a Speak to ALL Jews          EVEN speak to MINORS*5
Nu18-09c ALL pure priests may eat   EVEN your wives may eat
Nu20-29b ALL mourned Aaron          EVEN women mourned*6
-------  ------------------------   ---------------------------
Gn21-06a ALL happy on Sarah's birth EVEN other barren women*32
Lv24-14a ALL hearing the Blasphemy  EVEN the judges *7 *28
Nu14-01a The WHOLE nation rebelled  EVEN the LEADERS *8 *28
Lv14-09a Cut ALL hair               EVEN non-dense hair *9
Ex12-43b ALL foreigners             EVEN Jewish apostates *10
Dt20-11a ALL conquered willbe yours EVEN from other nations *11
Ex12-12b I-ll smite all 1stborn     EVEN from other nations *11
Gn43-09b I-ll owe you my WHOLE life EVEN in the next world
Dt13-01a Listen to ALL commandments EVEN the light ones
Lv11-33b ALL inside will be impure  EVEN if hanging in the air*16
-------  ------------------------   ----------------------------
Gn19-04b ALL Sedomites gathered     NO EXCEPTIONS *29
Ex19-11c The WHOLE nation saw God   NO BLIND(Exceptions)
Ex32-26b ALL Levites came           NO levite served calf
Dt01-01b Moses spoke to ALL Israel  ALL Came; no exception*13
Dt11-06a Earthquake in ALL Israel   TREMORS at all locations
Lv22-05d To ANY human uncleanlines  Dead humans,Lepors,Zavs etc
-------  ------------------------   ----------------------------
Lv21-11b Don't defile on ANY dead   even body PARTS(organs) *30
Lv27-09a ANYthing Dedicated is holy even animal PARTS(Organs)
Lv02-13b SALT all offerings         even the ORGAN PARTS
Lv06-11b ANYTHING touching is holy  even PART of it*14
Ex12-20b Dont eat ANY leaven        even PART LEAVEN(Mixture)
Lv03-03a & Offer ALL fat            even fat of PARTS(organs)
Lv04-07a Spill ANY blood            even leftover droplets*15
-------  ------------------------   ----------------------------
Ex35-22b Bzalel did ALL God ordered Even if Moses forgot*17 *31
Nu20-01a WHOLE nation came to Tzn   Even adult men over 21*18
Nu18-09b Priests get ALL sacrifices EVEN Peace offerings*19
Lv17-10a ALL eating blood will die  Even non sacrificial blood*20
Lv06-11a ALL male priests eat it    Even blemished ones*21
Dt18-01a ALL priests won-t inherit  EVEN blemished ones*22
Lv06-32b ALL sin offerings          EVEN Guilt Offerings*23
Dt14-11a ALL Kosher birds eatable   EVEN sent-away leporbird*24
Ex12-47a ALL Jews offer on Passover By Individual not family*25
Ex01-22a ALL children die in river  EVEN Egyptian Children*26

*1 Rashi gives examples: "CRAWLING ON BELLY" could refer to
   Thus the ALL includes even insects

*2 Rashi gives examples: "WALKING ON CLAWS" refers to the
   scoprion---"ALL WHO WALK ON CLAWS" refers to the BEETLES

*3 Rashi further FURTHER supports this with the alignment
  (The Torah is speaking about a plague of BITING SNAKES
  God told Moses to make a copper snake and those that look
  at it would live) Consider the alignment of the following

  Nu21-08 And ANYONE Bitten            will  SEE      it & live
  Nu21-09 And ANYONE Bitten by a snake would STARE at it & live
                                *1            *2

  Thus if a SNAKE bit them they had to STARE at it to live
  But if a  DOG   bit them they could just see it and live

  Finally, Rashi in the name of the Talmud explains why "looking"
  at a copper snake should cure---it symbolically referred to
  "looking upwards and praying"

*4 That is the adults should TRAIN minors not to eat blood

*5 This Rashi, besides being derived from the word ALL is further
   supported by an alignment of introductory verses

   Lv15-01 speak to     the              Jews
   Lv12-02 Speak to     the              Jews
   Lv19-02 Speak to ALL the community of Jews
                    *a         *b

   Thus there is an emphasis that the whole community should
   hear (even children)

*6 Again Rashi is supported by an alignment

        Dt34-08 the       children    of Israel mourned Moses
        Nu20-29 the whole house       of Israel Mourned Aaron
                     *a    *b

   The term HOUSE of ISRAEL is more
   directed to women and children

*7 ALL people (even judges who heard testimony) must stone
   the blasphemer

*8 ALL people cried at hearing the spies story (Even the

*9 Thru the GENERAL PARTICULAR GENERAL principle we learn
   that only dense-visible hair (like eyebrows) has to
   be shaved. This is learned by generalizing the examples
   in the verse ("head", "beard", "eyebrows")

   Thru the word "ALL" we learn that even non-dense or
   non-visible hair (like armpit hair or outer-arm-hair)
   should be shaved.

   Thus the two items--GENERAL-PARTICULAR-GENERAL and ALL
   teach us that ALL is shaved except NOSE-HAIR

*10 Neither foreigners nor Jewish Apostates can bring offerings

*11 Thus eg God smote the Firstborn of Egyptians and also the
   firstborn of other nations who were visiting Egypt

*12 This was incorrectly translated in a previous posting

*13 Rashi points out the subtlety in this: People normally act
   macho--they would say "If I had been there to hear Moses I
   would have answered him". Therefore it says ALL Israel..
   Moses made sure "EVERYBODY" was there so that no one
   should claim that "I would have answered Moses".

*14 This law is beneficial--if the sacrifice touched other
   meat then ONLY THE PLACE WHERE IT TOUCHED has to be cut off
   (Only PART of it is holy)

   Rashi further learns that TOUCHING does not confer holiness
   unless there was ABSORPTION of the meat flavor (According
   to Malbim this is learned from order of words--this will
   be discussed in another posting)

*15 So you spill the blood out of the cup--then you vigorously
   shake it and spill the leftover droplets (hence ALL the blood
   is spilt)

*16 So eg if the dead organ fell into the cup then anything
   in the AIRSPACE of the cup becomes ritually impure EVEN
   if it is not touching the cup but eg suspended

   In legal terminology we say that (BEING) INSIDE is a
   VEHICLE for TRANSMISSION of impurity in earthenware cups

*17 I would logically think that Bzalel couldn't do things that
   God told Moses but Moses forgot to tell Bzalel.

   Rashi brings a possible example--In Ex25 Moses orders the
   temple utensils to be built first and then the Tabernacle

   But in Ex36 and Ex37 Bzalel builds the Tabernacle first
   and then the temple.

   Logically Bzalel knew that you build the house first and
   then fill it with utensils

*18 Nu14-29 states that the adult males over 20 who listened to
   the spies slander of Israel died. However they had all
   died by the time they came to Tzin---hence the WHOLE
   community came (because they didn't bury anyone in the
   previous place)

*19 Nu18-09 lists 3 types of sacrifices that priests get.
   It does not list peace offerings. HEnce I need the word
   ALL to include it. This is further indicated in Lv06
   and Lv07-23.

*20 It says Lv17-11 that the reason blood is prohibited is
   because it is used to atone on the altar

   Hence it is logical to conclude that only sacrificial
   blood is forbidden but ordinary blood that can't be
   offered is permissable. Therefore the verse says ALL BLOOD
   to include this other blood.

*21,*22 It explicitly says (Lv22--21:22) that blemished priests
      may not offer sacrifices (But may eat them).

      Hence the word "ALL" includes even blemished priests--
      since they can't offer sacrifices I might think they
      DO inherit Israel--I might also think that they do
      not join the Priestly rotations (which offer and eat
      the sacrifices).

      Therefore the word ALL is used. They

      do join the priestly rotations,
      do not inherit Israeli land,
      do not offer sacrifices
      do eat them

*23 There are 3 opinions of what the word ALL includes.
   The best literary approach is to use Lv07-07
   "The sin offering is like the guilt offering"
   (Since both sin and guilt offerings deal with matters
   of sin) Thus the word "ALL sin offerings" includes
   even guilt all offerings.

   We used this Rashi to show Rashis literary style.
   See above

*24 Recall that most sacrifices are HOLY and cannot be eaten
   even if they are Kosher. Further recall that the Lepor
   was atoned by having a Kosher bird sent away and another
   one offered (Lv14-04:07). I might think that this
   sent-away-Lepor bird is like any other sacrificial object
   and prohibited from eating. Therefore Dt14-11 says
   "ALL Kosher birds..." may be eaten--even the Kosher lepor

*25  The first passover offering has one lamb PER family(Ex12-03)
    Hence I might think that future passover offerings are
    PER family. Therefore when Ex12-16 says "The WHOLE community
    must offer it" it means EVERY individual

*26 Added Dec 27, 2001. This verse discusses how Pharoh
    decreed death on all children.

    The Bible explicitly says that Egypt was run by
    magicians and stargazers (Ex07-11, Ex08-15). It
    therefore seems reasonable that they told Pharoh that
    they were told my magic that a savior was born to the Jews
    Since Pharoh didnt know if the savior was Egyptian or Jewish
    Pharoh ordered ALL children -- EVEN Egyptian children --
    killed by drowning.

*27 In this part of the list ALL means ALL SUBGROUPS

*28 In this part of the list ALL means EVEN BORDERLINE CASES
    (Since you wouldnt expect the leaders to rebel)

*29 In this part of the list ALL means WITHOUT EXCEPTION

*30 In this part of the list ALL means ALL PARTS (eg
    even ORGANS)

*31 In this part of the list ALL refers EVEN to items
    you dont EXPECT (Hence this part of the list is
    MIDRASHIC in flavor).  For example BEZALEL did ALL
    GOD COMMANDED MOSES...the word ALL refers EVEN to
    items that Moses forgot (Since you wouldnt think
    that Bezalel followed forgotten orders)

*32 (Rashi) The other BARREN women hearing about Sarah's birth
    were happy because they gave birth also.

=================== LIST210y ====================================
List of verses pairs     with one verse illuminating another
======== ======================== ========== ====================
Ex32-05b Aaron built ALTAR        Ex32-02    Yank wife jewelery*7
Ex32-05c Holiday to God TOMORROW  Ex32-02    Yank wife jewelery*7
Ex32-05d Holiday to GOD           Ex32-02    Yank wife jewelery*7
Ex18-19c Bring WORDS OF LAW to Gd Ex18-16    peoples LAWSUITS *6
Gn45-24a Dont get ANGRY ON ROAD*5 Gn42-21:22 Fight who did me in
Gn45-18a I-ll give BEST OF LAND   Gn47-11    BEST OF LAND=Ramsyth
Gn35-22b Reuven slept with Bilhah Gn49-04*4  play with Dads beds
Gn26-29a We didnt HARM you        Gn26-16    we ASKED you to go*1
Gn26-33a City of SHEVA named for  Gn21-30:31 OATH=SheVuAh*2
Gn33-18a Jacob came WHOLE to city Gn32-32    Jacob LIMPED*11
Dt27-12a Blessings ON Mountain    Jo08-30:35 ...FACING MOUNTAIN

*1 We ASKED you to go but didnt HARASS you till you went

*2 The point being that the city wasnt named for the symbolic
   use of SEVEN (SHIVAH) lambs to seal the treaty(BUt rather
   the SEVEN lambs symbolically affirm the OATH=SHEVA for
   which the city was named)

*3 Gn27-27b refers to a BLESSED FRAGRANT FIELD while Lv23-40
   refers to a TREE OF SPLENDOR.*10

Reuven did not actually sleep with
Bilhah. Rather his fathers favorite
bedware was kept on Bilhah's bed since
Bilhah, Rachels concubine, reminded him
of her after Rachels death. Reuven felt
that his father should be living with
Leah, since Leah was a bonafide wife.
Reuven felt it insulting that Jacob
preferred a concubine vs a real wife.
Hence he switched the bedware from
Bilhahs bed to Leahs bed in order
to talk his father out of his behavior

For our translation of Gn49-04 see footnote *12

*5 Gn45-05 also supports this.

*6 Rashis real point is to avoid confusion
   The phrase WORDS OF LAW usually refers to Gods words
   of law, the Torah.

   However in Ex18-19c and Ex18-16 it refers to the
   LAWSUITS of the people.

*7 In LIST901i we have shown that the root Pay-Resh-Kuph means
   - UNLOAD (in active mode)
   - YANK OFF (in intense mode
   - SLIP OFF (in intensive mode)
   Since the verse is translated as
   Aaron asked them to YANK the Jewelery off their wives

   Rashi comes to the conclusion that Aaron was interested
   in a fight (YANK off wives) and was stalling for time.
   Rashi learns this from the word YANK. This OTHER VERSE
   motivates Rashi to reinterpret several verses as also
   indicating stalling tactics. More specifically Rashi
   explains the following as stalling tactics
   - Aaron built an altar---RASHI: To stall for time
   - Aaron said: A holiday TOMORROW--RASHI: To stall for time
   - Aaron said: A holiday to GOD--RASHI: He was hoping Moses
   would return and they would have a real holiday to God.

---------------------  LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------

*10 Rashi uses the languages
    this refers to an APPLE orchard

   But apple orchards are not known for their fragrance.
   Rather the reference is probably to an
   ETHROG orchard
   which has a characteristic hypnotic fragrance. The
   Hebrew word for ETHROG is GOLDEN APPLE.(The beauty
   of fragrance of an ETHROG ORCHARD was mentioned by
   the Rav, Rabbi Soloveitchick).

*11 Rashi citing the Talmud states
    Jacob came whole
    - from LIMP
    - from Monetary gifts to Esauv(Jacob had all his money)
    - with all his learning

    But there 3 items all emanate from Gn32-32 where we
    are told that Jacob fought with an angel and won.

    Since he won
    - he did not lose money
    - he did not lose his Jewishness

*12 Gn49-04 is translated by us as
    you played with your fathers beds

    Note the PLURAL BEDS vs BED...this shows that
    two BEDS (not the one bed of BILHAH) was involved

    We translate the Hebrew root &LH (to go up) as
    &LL (To play with).

    - THere are no other cases where &LH means &LL
    - but interchanges of 1-2-Hey and 1-2-2 roots
      does frequently occur in the Bible
    - Finally the verse wouldnt make sense if &LH
      was translated as GO UP since the phrase
      Go Up on your fathers bed
      couldnt refer to intimacy since intimacy
      is always referred to as GOING DOWN instead
      of GOING UP.
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Volume 25 Number 2

#*#*#*#  (C) 2000-2005, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#
Volume 25 Number 2