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| (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President |
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VERSE: Ex26-01c
RASHIS COVERED: Ex26-01c Ex28-06c Ex26-31c Ex26-31b Ex27-09a
==================== 3 TYPES OF WEAVING =========================
A review of the Mishkan shows that 4 Hebrew words are used to
describe how materials are woven. The list below displays
in compact form all verses requiring some specific form of
weaving*1. In this list we analyze 3 of those terms
*ROKAYM means NEEDLE WORK(like knit Yamulkes with their designs)
*ORAYG refers to WEAVING
*CHOSHEV has DIFFERENT designs woven on each side while
ROKAYM has the SAME design woven on each side
Although Rashi simply states these dictionary meanings
nevertheless we can infer many characteristics from the
verses. Thus we may infer that
* ROKAYM is the simpler type of WEAVING WORK (just needleword)
We infer this from the fact that only the less holy objects
such as the COURTYARD (vs the Holies) or Ordinary Priest
Garments (vs the High Priest Garments) were made ROKAYM
Rashi explains that NEEDLE WORK could involve more than
sewing; it could even involve the NEEDLING of a design
such as people do when they KNIT Yamulkes with designs.
In such a case the SAME DESIGN shows on both sides.
RADACK in his book of Biblical ROOTS also identifies
ROKAYM with both NEEDLE WORK and WEAVING. In fact
RADACK brings an EXPLICIT verse showing that NEEDLED
garments could have pictures on both sides*2 RADACK
also brings verses showing that ROKAYM means more
than SEWING--it means WEAVING.*3
* ORAYG/CHOSHEV would then refer to the more sophisticated
typed of WEAVING. We infer this because the items that
required ORAYG/CHOSHEV type weaving were all more holy
(The list below shows that items worn by the High
Priest (vs an ordinary priest) or items in the Holy
of Holies or Holies required CHOSHEV.)
The Bible in two (of 4 verses) refers to CHOSHEV as
CHOSHEV(Woven with) KRUVIM. Hence Rashi concludes that
pictures of the KRUVIM (described in Ezekiel Chapters
1-10) were woven on them. Rashi mentions how WEAVING
is a more powerful type of GARMENT CREATION TECHNIQUE
as it can be used to create DIFFERENT DESIGNS ON BOTH
SIDES; hence RASHI concludes that the CHOSHEV items
had 2 DIFFERENT DESIGNS (While the ROKAYM items had
the SAME DESIGN) on both sides.
Only 2 of the 4 items had KRUVIM mentioned in their
weaving requirements for CHOSHEV. Rashi then generalizes
this KRUVIM design to all CHOSHEV items. This type
of GENERALIZATION follows the Rabbi Ishmael Rule
of a group of verses with a shared word only 1 or 2 of
which have a specific meaning: That specific meaning
is then generalized to ALL of them (See URL
http://www.RashiYomi.Com/lv09-07d.htm for more examples)
* ORAYG seems to mean the same thing as CHOSHEV. It means
woven (vs say Knit). A glance at the LIST shows that
the two items that required ORAYG were made of one
material (explicitly stated in the Torah) and hence
it seems reasonable to say that ORAYG garments are
woven WITH NO DESIGNS (because only one color thread
could be used in them) while CHOSHEV garments had 2
different designs on both sides.
Here is the LIST sorted by the WEAVING WORD and
======= ============== ============== =========================
Ex26-31 CHOSHEV KRUVIM Paroceth Holy of Holies
Ex26-01 CHOSHEV KRUVIM Mishkan Holy
Ex28-06 CHOSHEV AYFOD High Priest clothes
Ex28-15 CHOSHEV CHOSHEN High Priest Clothes
Ex28-32 ORAYG Robe hem High Priests clothes
Ex39-27 ORAYG Tunics Ordinary priest clothes
Ex28-39 ROKAYM Belt Ordinary Priests clothes
Ex26-36 ROKAYM Temple Door Courtyard
Ex27-16 ROKAYM Courtyard Door Courtyard
*1 See the next list for an analysis of the 4th term:KELAIM
The other 3 terms are analyzed here.
*2 Ju05-30 COLORED NEEDLES for each warrior
Dvorah the Prophetess in describing an enemy says that
they wanted NEEDLESed-garmented-women for every soldier
the reference being to garments that had a PLURALITY
(NEEDLESed) of NEEDLE WORK (designs on both sides)
That is the statement COLORED NEEDLES means COLORED
GARMENTS that had NEEDLE work on both sides (NEEDLES)
*3 Ps139:15 I was NEEDLED in the LOWER EARTH(The womb)
The psalmist describes BIRTH as being NEEDLED in the
womb. Thus ROKAYM refers to KNITTING as well as
================== 2 WORDS FOR CURTAINS ======================
Comparison of the two places curtains were used in the
Mishkan -- in the Courtyard and in the Holies -- shows that
2 distinct words were used:
---In the HOLIES the curtains are called YERIOTH
---In the COURTYARD the curtains are called KELIOTH
The YERIOTH are further described (Ex26-01) as WOVEN.
Although the Bible does not specify HOW the KELIOTH
were made we know that KELA means a SLINGSHOT and
we know that slingshots were made of NET-LIKE MATERIAL
(the holes prevented drag from the air and allowed the
slingshot throwers to gain more momentum). It is thus
suggested that the COURTYARD curtains were made in
NET-LIKE form (With many holes).*2
The verses for these 2 words are presented below
======= ======= ============ ========== =================
Ex27-09 KELAIM *1 Courtyard Courtyard
Ex26-01 YERIOTH Woven KRUVIM Mishkan Holies
*1 Thus it is suggested that
--YERIOTH were WOVEN (because Ex26-01 explicitly says so)
--The KELAIM were made like NETS (With many holes).
We learn this from the cognate word KLA=Slingshots
which were made of NET LIKE MATERIAL
*2 The symbolic implication of this is an oft-repeated
concept in Chasidic thought: Namely the intrinsic worth
of every Jew no matter how empty/low they are.
One classical expression of this is comparison of the Jews
to pomegranates. (Every Jew even if they taste Bitter (like
a pomegranate) is nevertheless full of good deeds like
the seeds of a pomegranate.
Similarly the Mishkan construction seems to say that
every Jew, no matter how many holes his personality has,
is nevertheless worthy as serving the Holy Temple
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Volume 10 Number 18
#*#*#*#*# (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 10 Number 18