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VERSE: Ex12-15e

RASHIS COVERED: Ex12-15e Lv20-20a Lv23-30a Gn17-14c
                Lv17-09a Lv22-03c Ex12-15e

================== KARETH means HELL ============================

There are about 36 punishments in the Torah for which the
Bible lists a punishment of KARETH, being cut off.


Rashi deals with the problem of what is KARETH? The Hebrew
root KARETH means CUT OFF. But CUT OFF from
WHAT? Rashi identifies KARETH with HELL & offers 3 reasons

#1: Two verses ALIGN KARETH & AVADON (Hell)(Lv23-29:30)
#2: The person is cut off both from his NATION & all NATIONS
#3: The person is cut off both from ISRAEL & FROM BEFORE GOD

The gist of the above supports is that person is totally
cut off--HELL

Harry Rashbaum of my Shomrey Emunah Rashi class pointed out
support #2. There is alot more to discuss on this topic but
the list below will suffice for now

We present the sins whose punishment is CUT OFF, the VERSE
involved, the SIN TOPIC, what RASHI identifies with KARETH
and the PROOF (or SUPPORT) in Rashi. Other possible defintions
of Kareth are dealt with in the footnotes *11.
======== ============ ================= =========================
Lv23-30a Yom Kippur   Kareth is Hell    Kareth = AVADON=HELL*1
Lv20-20a Incests*2    Kareth=Childless  Lv18-29;Lv20-20;Lv20-17*3
Gn17-14c Circumcision Kareth=childless  Lv18-29;Lv20-20;Lv20-17
Lv17-09a Sacrifices*2 Kareth=childless  Lv18-29;Lv20-20;Lv20-17
Lv22-03c Sacrifices*2 Cut from planet   Ex12-15 vs Lv22-03*4
Ex12-15e Passover*4   Cut from planet   Ex12-15 vs Lv22-03*4

*1 Rashis proof is based upon the technique of ALIGNMENT
   It is based on the ALIGNMENT of these 2 verses
   Lv23-29 whoso descecrates Yom Kippur will be CUT OFF
   Lv23-30 whoso descecrates Yom Kippur will be IN HELL

   NOTE: The Hebrew root Aleph-Beth-Dalet can mean LOSE
   (lv05-22),DESTROY(Lamentation02-09), or HELL (Prv27-20)

*2 Throughout this list I only indicate SIN TOPICS but not
   the specific sin. So Lv20-20 discusses incest with an
   aunt but I simply list the topic of INCEST. Similarly
   Lv17-09 and Lv22-03 discuss specific sins involving
   sacrifices which can be found by looking up the verses

*3 If you look at the 3 verses cited you see that
   Lv18-29 provides a sin of KARETH for incests
   Lv20-17 repeats the sin of KARETH for incests
   Lv20-20 mentions a sin of CHILDLESSNESS
   Hence the ALIGNMENT of the verses teaches us that

*4 This is a 3rd proof. Recall that KARETH simply means
   cut off. ALIGNING the several dozen verses which
   mention KARETH we find two supports

   - The sinner is cut off both from his NATION as well
     as from his NATIONS, indicating that the punishment
     is not EXILE but rather the punishment is total
     banishment from the planet

   - The sinner is cut off both from ISRAEL as well
     as from BEFORE THE FACE OF GOD indicating that
     the punishment is not EXILE but rather HELL, the
     banishment from before God.

     See footnote *10 for a list of verses

----------------- LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------------

*10 These are the supporting verses for the comments mentioned
    in footnote #4
  Lv17-04 Sacrifice      cut off from NATION
  Lv17-10 Blood          cut off from NATION
  Lv18-29 Adultery       cut off from NATION
  Ex30-33 Sacrilege      cut off from NATIONS
  Gn17-14 Circumcision   cut off from NATIONS
  Lv07-20 Sacrifice      cut off from NATIONS
  Ex31-14 Sabbath        cut off from MIDST OF NATIONS
  Ex12-15 Passover       cut off from ISRAEL
  Ex12-19 Passover       cut off from CONGREGATION OF ISRAEL
  Lv20-03 Sacrifices     cut off from BEFORE MY FACE

*11 As show in the list above there are several verses (&
    3 Rashis) which identify KARETH with CHILDLESSNESS vs
    HELL. Rashi does not resolve the contradiction in the

    I suggest the following explanation: Recall that under
    Jewish law a Kareth punishment can be annulled thru
    lashes. Thus it would appear that SUFFERING can annull
    the KARETH punishment also.

    Hence: If a person sins and loses his children or his
    ability to obtain children and repents he need not go
    to hell. If he does not repent and does not undergo
    severe punishment then he goes to hell.

    The above seems to be the simple resolution of the
    two Biblical explanations of Hell

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 11 Number 22

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 11 Number 22