#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Sep 28, 2011                     #
#                    YEAR 12 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
      BRIEF EXPLANATION: Rashi explains verses using grammar principles, that is, rules which relate reproducable word form to word meaning. Grammatical rules neatly fall into 3 categories
      • (a) the rules governing conjugation of individual words,Biblical roots,
      • (b) the rules governing collections of words,clauses, sentences
      • (c) miscellaneous grammatical, or form-meaning, rules.
      This examples applies to Rashis Gn31-40c
      URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/w33n5.htm
      Brief Summary: A suffix TAUV at the end of a word indicates a PERSONAL PRONOUN (SHAYNAH:sleep::SNATHI:MySleep).

Today anyone wanting to learn Hebrew can take a course and learn Biblical Hebrew grammar. But in Rashi's time Grammar was just beginning. One of Rashi's major tasks was to teach basic Hebrew Grammar the same way we find in modern Hebrew textbooks. Modern Hebrew Grammar deals with such issues as conjugation of verbs, indication of possessive pronouns, gender etc. Today's example illustrates this.

Verse Gn31-40 discussing Jacob's complaint that he worked hard for Laban but was double-crossed states Thus I was: in the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night; and my sleep fled from mine eyes. Rashi explains The Hebrew word Shin-Nun-Hay means sleep. To indicate my sleep we replace the terminal Hey with a terminal Tauv-Yud, making the word Shin-Nun-Tauv-Yud.

    Other examples of this replace hey with terminal tauv-yud rule are presented in the list below (Note: In the last example we replace a terminal alpeh with a terminal tauv-yud.:
  • Resh-Ayin-Yud-Hey means female friend. Resh-Ayin-Yud-Tauv-Yud means my girlfriend.
  • Yud-Vav-Nun-Hey means dove. Yud-Vav-Nun-Tauv-Yud means my dove.
  • Aleph-Mem-Hey means handmaid. Aleph-Mem-Tauv-Yud means my handmaid.
  • Shin-Nun-Hey means sleep. Shin-Nun-Tauv-Yud means my sleep.
  • Cheth-Tet-Alep means sin. Cheth-Tet-Alelp-Tauv-Yud means my sin.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#