#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jan 31, 2008                     #
#                    YEAR 9 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2008, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#

    BRIEF EXPLANATION: Commentary on a verse is provided thru a cross-reference to another verse. The cross references can either provide
    • (1a) further details,
    • (1b) confirm citations, or
    • (1c) clarify word meaning.
    This examples applies to Rashis Gn31-32a
    URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/w33n5.htm
    Brief Summary: Jacob cursed the robber of Laban's idols (Gn31-32) and as a result Rachel died prematurely (Gn35-19).

Verse Gn31-32 discussing who robbed Laban of his idols states With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, she shall not live; before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee.' --For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them.-- Rashi notes: The underlined phrase, she shall not live, can be supported by a cross-reference to Gn35-19 discussing the death of Rachel which states . And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Beth-Lehem Recall that in fact Rachel had stolen Laban's idols as stated in verse Gn31-19 which states And Laban went to shear his sheep; and Rachel had stolen the teraphim that were her father’s Hence the Rashi comment: Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen her father's idols. For this reason he cursed with death the person who stole it. This curse led to the premature death of Rachel.

Text of Target Verses Gn31-19,32 Text of Reference Verses Gn35-19
And Laban went to shear his sheep; and Rachel had stolen the teraphim that were her father’s .... With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, she shall not live; before our brethren discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee.' --For Jacob knew not that Rachel had stolen them.-- . And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is Beth-Lehem
Rashi comments: Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen her father's idols. For this reason he cursed with death the person who stole it. This curse led to the premature death of Rachel.

Sermonic Points: The sermonic point behind this Rashi is obvious: Do not curse! Do not swear! Do not take oaths! Be cautious in judgement.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2008, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#