#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jan 17, 2011                     #
#                    YEAR 12 of 12                     #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
    Rashi examines how rules of style influences inferences between general and detail statements in paragraphs.
    • Example: Every solo example stated by the Bible must be broadly generalized;
    • Theme-Detail: A general principle followed by an example is interpreted restrictively---the general theme statement only applies in the case of the example;
    • Theme-Detail-Theme: A Theme-Detail-Theme unit is interpreted as a paragraph. Consequently the details of the paragraph are generalized so that they are seen as illustrative of the theme.
    This examples applies to Rashis Lv18-03c
    URL Reference: (c) http://www.Rashiyomi.com/rule1411.htm
    Brief Summary: a) DETAIL: Don't DO Egyptian/Canaanite deeds b) GENERAL: Don't WALK in Egyptian/Canaanite cultic practices

Certain Biblical paragraphs are stated in a Example-General form. In other words several particular examples are stated followed by a general theme. The Detail-Theme form creates a unified paragraph and consequently the examples are interpreted broadly as illustrating multiple aspects of the general theme. Today's example illustrates this as shown below.

    Verse(s) Lv18-03 discussing the prohibition of adopting Egyptian/Canaanite practices states
    • Detail: Don't do Egyptian/Canaanite deeds
    • General: Don't walk in Egyptian/Canaanite practices
    The detail clause states do not do Egyptian/Canaanite deeds and could mean not to practice their laws. The General clause provides an all inclusive principle and requires that the detail clause should be interpreted broadly: The statement do not do Egyptian/Canaanite deeds means the restrictive do not follow Egyptian/Canaanite laws and also means more broadly do not follow their cultic practices. It is important to emphasize what Rashi is and is not saying. Rashi is not saying that the simple meaning of do not do Egyptian/Canaanite deeds is you should not go e.g. to Egyptian/Canaanite theaters and watch artistic performances of ritual-related items. Rather Rashi is saying that because there is a terminal general clause we should see the example clauses as illustrating all examples of this general clause. The driving force of this broad interpretation is the paragraph structure which teaches us that the example clause is not the only example of the theme but rather one of many examples of the theme. Hence the paragraph as a whole even though it doesn't explicitly say so teaches us that it is prohibited to follow specific Egyptian/Canaanite laws and it is also prohibited to follow their non-legal cultic practices such as watching artistically performed ritual-related performances in their theaters.

Advanced Rashi: I am indebted to the Talner Rebbe, Rabbi Dr. Isidore Twersky, with whom I learned for 7 years, who pointed out that the prohibition of walking in Egyptian/Canaaanite paths was a prohibition on cultic-related activities (for example, artistic performances of ritual-related items). However, there is no prohibition of adopting, for example, technological improvements of these societies.

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2011, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#