#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Mar   31th, 2002                       #
#          Rashis 1289-1289 Of 7800 (16.5%)               #
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Bulleting in the Bible


When you type in English you can use a variety of TYPING EFFECTS
such as
- indentation
- paragraphing
- bold, italics, underline
- bullets
- tables
Certain of these TYPING NOTATIONS were not DIRECTLY used in the
Bible but the EFFECTS were used. One of Rashis 6 main
tasks was to indicate how the Bible implemented TYPING EFFECTS.

The Bible could implement a BULLET effect by REPEATING A KEYWORD
Similarly the Bible could implement a BULLET effect by using
TWO CLEARLY CONTRASTING WORDS. The examples will clarify this.

Here is a simple example of BULLETing by REPEATING KEYWORDS

And Isaac sowed          in THAT land
and found 100-fold       in THAT year

Rashi (Paraphrased):
The repeating keyword, THAT, creates
a BULLET effect. It is as if it was written

And Isaac sowed
*       in that land
*       in that year
100 fold

The emphasis on both LAND and YEAR could eg refer to
the fact that
(a) the land was bad for sowing and
(b) the year was bad for sowing (eg droughts).

The important point in Rashi is that the verse is
perceived as BULLETED

Here is an example of CONTRASTING KEYWORDS (NOACH vs GOD)

THE TEXT-Gn06-17:21
AND I GOD                 will bring a flood
will keep a treaty with you
will allow you to come to ark
will allow you to save animals

AND YOU (NOACH)           Take food for everyone

RASHI (Paraphrased).
It is as if the Bible bullets GOD and NOACH. Each one had
a task. Noach-s task was to bring food. Gods task was
eg to preserve Noach and the food he brought.

The lists below contain several examples of CONTRASTING
or REPEATING KEYWORDS. The special nuance in each bullet
is emphasized.(There is nothing special about the Keywords;
you can read the original BIblical text to see them)
Gn26-12 THAT Bad YEAR for produce Bad LAND for produce*1
Ex03-11 THAT PHAROH difficult JEWS arent worthy*2
Ex18-01 TO Miracles for MOSES Miracles for JEWS*3
Ex18-10 FROM PHAROH difficult EGYPTIANS difficult*4
Nu04-16 APPOINTMENT Daily offerings Oversee Kehatites*5
------- ----------- -------------------- ------------------------
Dt18-14 Contrast NATIONS-Astrologers JEWS-Prophets*6
Gn06-18 Contrast NOACH-brings food*7 GOD-protects Noach/food
Ex14-15 Contrast JEWS-Go into sea GOD-splits the sea*8
Gn04-07 Contrast SATAN-tempts to sin YOU-overpower satan*9
Gn15-15 Contrast DESCENDANTS-Enslaved YOU-will not see it*10
Ex18-19 Contrast YOU-Transmit laws JUDGES-judge cases*11
Dt15-06 Contrast YOU-loan out NATIONS-lend from you*12
Dt15-06 Contrast YOU-lead government NATIONS-follow you*13
Gn03-15 Contrast SNAKE-bites man MAN-kills snake*14
Ex31-13 Contrast GOD-Dwells in Tmple WE-observe Gods laws*15
*1 Gn26-12a Gn26-12b Gn26-12c

*2 Ex03-11a Ex03-11b (There were 2 problems with the Exodus--
   Pharoh was a difficult king and the Jews may not be worthy)

*3 Ex18-01a Ex18-01e (eg The Manna was a miracle FOR Moses since
   the Jews complained against BOTH God and Moses. By contrast
   Gods saving the Jews from the attack by Amalek was a miracle
   for the JEWS---MOses was not singled out when Amalek attacked)

*4 Ex18-10a Ex18-10b (Jethro enumerates two greatnesses of the
   Exodus: God saved the Jews from an evil NATION and from an
   evil KING)

*5 Nu04-16a Nu04-16b Nu04-16c (By using the keyword APPOINTMENT
   twice in the verse there is an emphasis that Elazar had
   two separate tasks---he was responsible for (a) the daily
   offering and (b) for overseeing the Kehatites)

*6 Dt18-14a

*7 Gn06-18a

*8 Ex14-15a Ex14-15b

*9 Gn04-07c Gn04-07d

*10 Gn15-15a

*11 Ex18-19b Ex18-19c Ex18-21a (Jethro here creates the
    Judicial system: God gives laws to Moses; Moses transmits
    them to the Judges who in turn Judge the people(This is
    superior to the older system where Moses BOTH received
    the laws and Judged all cases)

*12 Dt15-06b

*13 Dt15-06c

*14 Gn03-15c

*15 Ex31-13a

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#