(c) 2000 Dr Hendel; 1st appeared in Bais Medrash (c) Torah.Org

Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 23:19:05 -0400 (EDT)
From: Russell Hendel <  rhendel@mcs.drexel.edu>
Subject: Re: Names

Janet Rosenbaum in Bais-Medrash Volume 2 Number 20 asks about the meaning
of her Hebrew name YONINAH.

I would suggest quite simply that YONINAH means VERY DOVE LIKE. It would be
a DOUBLE verb from the root Y-N-H. When doubled this would become Y-N-H-N-H
which then became Y-N-Y-N-H. (Y-N-H means DOVE).

Doubling verb endings are not taught in classical grammar books but it is a
way to indicate emphasis. Some major classical sources can be found in the
commentaries (eg Rashi and Ibn Ezra) on A-D-M-D-M(Very red)(Lev13-49) or
Y-F-Y-F-Th-H(Very Beautiful (Ps45:3).

A partial list of examples of Doubled verbs may be found on the Rashi
website (URL below). They included Song5-11 (Very Braided hair),
Isa54-12(Sparkling (many sparks)), Ex16:33(Thermos?--very cold),
2Sam6-14(Dancing=intense physical motion;Gen47:12(Support=(give)alot of
their desires).

Russell Jay Hendel; Phd ASA; rhendel@Towson.Edu
Moderator Rashi is Simple
