(c) 2000 Dr Hendel; 1st appeared in Bais Medrash (c) Torah.Org
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 20:11:46 -0400
From: rhendel@mcs.drexel.edu (Russell Hendel)
Subject: RE: Torah DikDuk Question
Jack Stroh wants to know why the 1st Sochalenu in Reay has a "S" while
the 2nd has a "T". Jack correctly identifies 2 relevant issues:
* The preceding word ends in a Aleph, Heh, Yod or Sof
* The "Tauv" begins the word
However there are a total of 11 issues. The relevant one here
* Does the preceding word end in a pause cantillation or liason cantillation.
The pause cantillations are: zarkah, segol, revii, zakef, tipchah, ethnach,
pazer, telisshah gedolah, azlah, gershayim, sof possook,karnay parah,
shalsheleth, and the munach with a line before the revii(munahc legarmay)
The liason cantillations are: munach, mayrchah, mapach, telissah ketanah,
kadmah, yerah ben yomo,mayrchah cefullah,mayrchah.
If the preceding word ends in a pause cantillation (e.g. Bishareychah has
in Tipchah) then it is as if Tochelenu starts a phrase and it has a dagesh.
If the preceding word ends in a liason cantillation (e.g. Lifnay....)
..e-lokekhah has a mahpach) then it is "as if" the words are together and
the "S" has no Dagesh.
There are in total 11 rules governing the BGD KFTH. This should suffice for
now, but if there is interest all 11 can be posted in a short posting.
Russell Jay Hendel; Ph.d.;ASA; rhendel @ mcs drexel edu