#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 July  23rd, 2001                        #
#          Rashis 863-865 Of 7800 (11.1%)                 #
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This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In todays unit we review the alignment of two verses on
blasphemy which is connected to yesterdays posting on
cursing people.

Todays unit comes from the following posting


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 13:Lv24-15a a man that curseth his God bears his sin
EXAMPLE 14:Lv24-16a a person who curseth the name of God dies
EXAMPLE 15:Lv24-16b ........     curseth

There are a variety of differences here from which we learn
important laws. The basic idea is that
--there is a death penalty if you curse USING THE NAME OF GOD
--there is a cut off punishment if you curse using an
attribute of God

The two verses have 4 main differences. A fifth difference
is commented on in footnote*5
Lv24-15A manthat cursethhis Godwill bear his sin
Lv24-16whoever curseththe name of Godwill die

*1 Actually the text says A MAN MAN. We have shortened it to
   place everything on one line.  At any rate one verse
   says A MAN(restrictive) while one verse lists no subject(broad)
   Hence we infer that only adults are punished for blasphemy
   There is no Rashi on this here but there are many other
   examples throughout this series with this theme.

*2 The difference here cannot be seen in English. But in Hebrew
   two different Hebrew roots are used: NOKAYV vs KLLAL.
   Remarkably Rashi does comment on this difference. In Lv24-16b
   Rashi explains that these terms are basically synonymous
   and we do not learn anything from the difference! And this is
   the only case where I know of where Rashi dismisses an
   alignment difference

*3 Here the difference is blatant: The verses speak about
   two types of blasphemy:
   --cursing the NAME of God
   --cursing God
   The consequences of each one are listed below in footnote #4
   The term NAME of God refers to the Ineffable name of God
   (Also cf Rambam Idolatry 2:7 for legal details)

*4 The verses explicitly state the different punishments for
   each type of blasphemer listed in footnote #3
   --A person who curses the NAME of God, is put to DEATH
   --A person who curses God(but not by His ineffable Name)
     is cut off from his nation(The punishment of CUTOFF)

   Rashi points out that the punishment of CUT OFF would also
   apply to e.g. a person who cursed but not in front of

*5 The full text of Lv24-16 is as follows
   Lv24-16 whoever curseth the Name of God will die
           when he curseth with the Name he dies

  As can be seen the requirement of CURSING WITH THE NAME IS

  REPETITION in general broadens the law.

  Hence we learn from the repeated phrase that all cursers
  --whether the blasphemer (who curseth God)
  --the curser of people
  --the curser of parents
  all cursers are not punished till they curse with the
  Name of God. So e.g. MAY YOU BE CURSED is not punished
  while MAY GOD CURSE YOU is punished.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#