#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                 August 3rd, 2001                        #
#          Rashis 887-889 Of 7800 (11.4%)                 #
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This module studies the ALIGNMENT method in Rashi. In this
method 2 different verses are found to be ALMOST the same.
The verses are lined up and the minor differences between
them function as footnotes illuminating the text.

In todays unit we see how alignment illuminates CONTRAST

Todays unit comes from the following posting


#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

EXAMPLE 33: Dt32-05a Rashi clarifies meaning using parallelism
EXAMPLE 34: Dt32-05b Rashi clarifies meaning using parallelism
EXAMPLE 35: Dt32-05c Rashi clarifies meaning using parallelism

Dt32-05 is a very enigmatic verse. Literally it is translated
Did they (the Jews) mutilate to Him(God)? No!
His children have a blemish
The chapter, Dt32, is speaking about the sins of the Jews, how
God will punish them and ultimately redeem them.

Did they (the Jews) mutilate to Him(God)? No!
His children have a blemish
The above English translation removes some of the difficulty.But
the real difficulty with the original Hebrew verse is its terse
formulation in 5 words making it difficult to see where
sentences begin and end. Notice that the problem with
understanding the verse is not its WORDS but rather its
STRUCTURE.Let us see how Rashi understands the verse.

Rashi ingeniously aligns the verse. Each part illuminates the
other making the meaning transparent. Overall the text says
The Jews did not hurt God with their sins;Rather
The Jews hurt themselves
In other words, the alignment teaches us that the main point
of the verse is the CONTRAST: God wasnt hurt by the Jews
sins; but the Jews were hurt.

Here is the LIST *1  We see how Rashi uses the theme of CONTRAST
Dt32-05They did notmutilate(with their sins)towards Him(God)
Dt32-05(They did*2)blemish (with their sins)His Children*4

*1 In the list we reversed the order of the phrase. This is
   simply to facilitate the alignment

*2 The phrase THEY DID is elliptical (absent)in the Biblical text
   However the parallel aligned structure suggests
   inserting it. Thus we see how the Parallelism facilitates

*3 Notice that the parallelism aligns MUTILATE vs BLEMISH
   Thus the point of the verse is the CONTRAST: They didnt
   hurt God (With their sins) but they did hurt themselves.
   Hence, I have added the clarifying phrase (WITH THEIR SINS)
   since this is the topic of the chapter.

*4 The Phrase HIS CHILDREN of course, means THEMSELVES. Again
   the parallelism facilitates structure: The point of the
   verse is the contrast: They did not hurt GOD with their
   sins; but they did hurt THEMSELVES

#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2001, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#