The 6 meanings of AL:#2 of 5
#       10 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE             #
#                  Apr  24, 2001                          #
#          Rashis 717-719 Of 7800 (9.2%)                  #
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A person completing this module will be able to correctly
identify the specific usages of >AL< in the Bible.

AL is normally translated as ON. In reality it has 6
meanings.This module also beautifully illustrates how our
early commentaries complement each other; what one
commentator misses the other supplements.


==============The Hebrew AL Has 6 meanings====================

Most people think that the Hebrew word AL means ON.
In reality the Hebrew word AL has 6 meanings. They are...

AL can mean Verse    Sample Text with this meaning
=========== ======== ==============================
ON          Gn03-14  Crawl ON your belly
WITH        Ex12-09e Eat it WITH Matzoh & Marror
IN          Ex29-03  Place the Matzoh IN the basket
TO          1S01-10  Channah prayed TO God
NEAR        Gn18-08  Abraham stood NEAR his guests
AFTER       Lv03-05a Offer the Peace offering AFTER the Daily*1


In todays unit we present 2 lists
--one list gives examples of verses where AL means ON
--the 2nd list gives verse examples where AL means WITH

This module comes from the following digests in the
Rashi-is-Simple series


#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*

=============Examples where the Hebrew AL means ON===========

The Hebrew word AL has 5 meanings. The best known meaning is
ON. In the verses below we have translated AL as ON

MEANING VERSE     Translation of verse with AL meaning ON
======= ======    ==========================================
ON      Gn01-02   Darkness lay ON the ocean
ON      Gn01-18   Insects crawling ON the ground
ON      Gn01-29   All grass ON the ground
ON      Gn03-14   You will crawl ON your belly
ON      Gn07-17   I will bring a flood ON the earth

=============Examples where the Hebrew AL means WITH=========

The Hebrew word AL has 5 meanings. A lesser known meaning is
WITH. In the verses below we have translated AL as WITH.
Verse references that end with a letter (e.g. Ex12-09e) refer
to translations brought by Rashi. Other verses are brought
by the Mideval Grammarian Radack in his book ROOTS

MEANING VERSE     Translation of verse with AL translated WITH
======= ======    ============================================
WITH    Ex12-09e  Eat the Passover lamb WITH Matzah & Marror
WITH    Ex29-17a  Place its intestines WITH its other organs
WITH    Ex35-22a  The men came WITH the women
WITH    1S20-08   Do kindness WITH your servant
WITH    Gn30-40   He didnt place his flocks WITH Labans flocks

The following examples occur in the above list.

EXAMPLE 3: Ex12-093 Eat the Passover lamb WITH Matzah & Marror

EXAMPLE 4: Ex29-17a Place its intestines WITH its other organs

EXAMPLE 5: Ex35-22a The men came WITH the women


*1 This list affords us a beautiful example of how the early
   Jewish commentaries complemented each other. Radack only
   lists the first 5 meanings in his excellent book THE ROOTS,
   while Rashi also lists a 6th meaning, AL can mean AFTER.
   A list of examples for each of these meanings is provided

#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# (C) Dr Hendel, 2001 *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*