#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUN 11 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 3079-3079 Of 7700 (39.9%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

Lists of verses with     NOUN-ADJ orders-e.g. brothers 10
Gn45-23a Adj-Noun Simple sentence He sent 10 mules*1
Lv27-07 Adj-Noun Simple sentence females: pay 10 talents*1
Nu11-32 Adj-Noun Simple sentence ...gathered 10 units*1
Ju06-27 Adj-Noun Simple sentence Gidon took 10 men*1
Ju20-10 Adj-Noun Simple sentence we will take 10 men per 100
1S25-08 Adj-Noun Simple sentence David sent 10 lads*1
2S18-11 Adj-Noun Simple sentence I should give you 10 coins
1K14-03 Adj-Noun Simple sentence take 10 loaves of bread
Gn24-10 Adj-Noun Simple sentence He took 10 camels
----- ------ ------------- ------------------------
Gn32-16 Noun-Adj List*2 Jacob sent animals: Cows:10
Ex27-12 Noun-Adj List*2 The measurements: pillars:10
----- ------ ------------- ------------------------
Jo17-05 Noun-Adj distinct,unique Menashes lot was portions 10
Gn42-03a Noun-Adj distinct,unique Brothers 10 went down*3
Da01-10 Noun-Adj distinct,unique He tested them days 10*3
2C04-08 Noun-Adj distinct,unique He made tables 10*3
*1 In a simple sentence
- the order is Adj-noun (e.g. 10 objects)
- the meaning is 10 similar objects

*2 In a list numbers come after the nouns. The full text
had several more items. e.g. Gn32-14:16 states
Jacob sent to his brother:
FeMale goats         200
Male goats           20
FeMale Rams          200
Male Rams            20....
Female Cows          40
Male Cows            10...

So the NOUN-ADJ order indicates presence of a list

*3 The Noun-Adj order in an ordinary non-list sentence
indicates uniqueness and non-similarity
EXAMPLE: He tested them on days 10
MEANS: He tested them on 10 distinct(non-consecutive) days

EXAMPLE:Menashes lot was portions 10
MEANS: Menashe had 10 distinct (not connected portions)

EXAMPLE(Gn42-03a): The brothers 10 went down
MEANS: They went down in 10 distinct paths (Rashi: Gn42-03a)
See *10 for further details


*10 It is common to use a political approach---we READ INTO
the story that the brothers tried to be inconspicuous
but Joseph caught them. We then attribute political motives

But the approach on Rashi is Simple is GRAMMATICAL.
Rashi infers the distinctness of 10 paths from the
NOUN-Adj order which denotes uniqueness and distinctness
After deriving this from grammar we are entitled to
infer philosophical ideas
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#