#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JAN 6 th, 2005                   #
#          Rashis 2903-2903 Of 7700 (37.7%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of words with       NOUN and VERB forms*10
To Miracle To make miracles for someone Create*9
To Plant Creation (planting) of plants Create
To record To Create a record Create
To milk To Create(bring forth) milk Create
To fire*1 To Create a fire(e.g.in a furnace) Create
To build To Create a building Create
To worm To produce/bring forth Worms*2 Create
To BORDER To make borders*3 Create
EMBROIDER Make embroidery*4 Create
--------- ------------------------------------ --------
To BEAUTY Remove the BEAUTY(Top) of trees*11
To YOUNG Remove the YOUNG grapes*12
To dust Removal of dust *5 Remove
To UpRoot To remove the roots(from the ground) Remove
To DeFrost To remove the frost Remove
Blood*6 To remove the blood (ie to KILL) Remove
--------- ------------------------------------ --------
To hammar Do Standard activity done with hammar Standard
To screw Do Standard activity done with screws Standard
To fan Do Standard activity done with a Fan Standard
To Dough Do standard activity with DOUGH*7 Standard
To Fly FLYING-Standard activity of Housefly Standard
To Straw GATHER straw(Standard straw activity)*8 Standard
*1 eg To FIRE a furnace

*2 Ex16-20b

*3 Ex19-12a

*4 Ex28-39a EMBROIDER the pants of LINEN
means make them embroidered

*5 Nu04-13b, Ex27-03b

*6 Lv17-04a

*7 As we have explained it TO DOUGH would mean
to BAKE. Actually we need another step. A verb
can refer to its ACTIVITY FORM. So the 2 steps are
- DOUGH becomes TO DOUGH=to BAKE
- TO DOUGH becomes TO SWELL (form of DOUGH rising)
See LIST814a for more details

*8 Ex05-07a Ex05-07b

*9 Dt04-34a (Has any gOD MADE MIRACLES the way Your
God has ...)

We present 3 methods by which OBJECTS (Nouns) acquire
ACTIVITY (verb) meaning
- eg To DUST   = to REMOVE dust
- eg To HAMMER = do STANDARD ACTIVITY of hammar

*11 Dt24-21a -- the Bible is using Metonomy here--it is
naming part of a tree (the TOP) by an attribute
strongly associated with it (the BEAUTY of the tree)
See LIST871d

*12 Dt24-20a. There are two aspects to the derivation
- First YOUNG people are identified with YOUNG plants
- Second: We are prohibited to YOUNG them=REMOVE them
Finally Rashi shows how the oral law interacts with
Biblical nuances--Rashi cites the definitions of
- a MATURE grape is a grape that either
- - belongs to a GRAPE CLUSTER(drooping attachments
from a main vine) OR
- - belong to a STICK--bundled grapes one on top
of another attached to a branch.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#