#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    DEC 21 st, 2004                  #
#          Rashis 2878-2878 Of 7700 (37.3%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verse pairs with Contradiction resolved by broad meaning
Dt12-03 Nu25-03 DESTROY idol name=REDICULE them(OK to record)
Ex02-18 Nu10-29a They came to Reuel their FATHER=GRANDFATHER
Lv25-21a Lv25-22a Sow seed 3 YEARS=3 PARTIAL YEARS=6th,7th,8th*1
Dt15-17 Lv25-10 Slaves work FOREVER=A LONG TIME=TILL JUBILEE
Lv07-09 Lv07-10 The PRIEST=DIVSION OF PRIEST,gets sacrifice
Lv04-03 Lv04-03 A Young ADULT Bullock = BEGINNING ADULTHOOD
*1 The land could not be sown in 7th year. Hence the seed of
the 6th year lasted 3 years*10 as follows
- for eating in 6th year from April thru September
(The year began in September---Jewish New year)
- for eating in 7th year all year
- for seeding in 8th year (From September to April)

The whole effect of 6th year seed ceased when the April
harvest was gathered in September (=September of 9th year)


*10 Rashi points out that sometimes the Jubillee would
come out during the 6th-8th year and hence there would
be 4 years dependent on 6th year. Thus Rashi views the
Biblical statement of 3 years dependence on 6th year
as a TYPICAL (But not exhaustive) case. For other
examples of TYPICAL CASES see LIST401a.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#