#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    Jan 17 th, 2004                  #
#          Rashis 2368-2373 Of 7700 (30.8%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

The following list contains consecutive chapters
with a common theme. For further examples see
the CP (Consecutive chapter) series at
The Consecutive Chapter series was given in
July 2000
VERSE COMMON THEME 1st Chapter 2nd Chapter
Gn22-23a Isaac-Rivkah Akaydah Rivkah-born*1
Ex18-01a Gods miracles Exodus Defeat of Amalek
Nu13-02a Slander Miryam on Moses Spies on Israel
Nu26-64a Entry to Israel Census Girl inheritance
Nu27-12a Entry to Israel Girl inheritance Joshua and Moes
Nu15-41d Important Laws Idolatry Sabbath
Dt33-07a Repentance Reuven Judah
Nu08-02a Temple gifts Gold vessels Service
Ex17-08a God cares for us Water-Manna Defeat of Amalek
Ex21-01a A Just life The Altar Monetary Law
Nu20-01b Atonement Red Heiffer Miryam's death
*1 Actual there are 3 paragraphs as follows
- Gn22-01:19  Akaydah
- Gn22-20:24  Birth of Rivkah
- Gn23-01:--  Death of Sarah

Rashi points out that the TOPIC SENTENCE of Gn22-20:24
is the birth of Rivkah. Rashi also points out that
the 3 paragraphs form a TEMPORAL SEQUENCE
For further details see LIST690B
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2004, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#