#                                                     #
#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    May 13th,     2003               #
#          Rashis 2025-2035 Of 7800 (25.8%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-03

Part 5 in a 6 part series
on the usage of the key phrase

We list below the 18 or so verses with the phrase AT THAT
TIME*12 The basic idea is causal relationship.

Verses with a Rashi end with a LETTER. Verses without a
Rashi do not end in a letter (eg Gn38-01a vs Gn21-22).
This illustrates the Rashi workbook method. Rashi encourages
us to apply the principle of AT THAT TIME=CAUSALITY to other

We have identified 6 themes in AT THAT TIME=CAUSALITY
These are elaborated in the footnotes. The six themes are
indicated in the column with a # sign. This lists theme is

D - CAUSED BY EMERGENCY - eg KING SICHON died and they had
no royal blood to replace him--so they appointed
someone from another country

Nu22-04c D Sichon just died*8 Balack was King Temp appoint
*8 Rashis point is subtle. Rashi could cite 4 verses
- Gn36-35 Moav and Midyan were military enemies
- Nu21-21:24 Moavs Royal family had been defeated

Yet we see that Moav asked its enemy,Midyan for help
- Nu22

The phrase AT THAT TIME implies a causal relation.

So Rashi suggests that BALAK was a Midyanite prince
who was temporarily appointed king (and hence he
had connections with them). They made an alliance
glued by anti-semitism.

In this case I would interpret Rashi broadly
vs literally.

Balak was EITHER a midyanite prince OR Balak
was a Moabite who had (business) connections
with the enemy Midyan. They appointed him king
in order for him to use his alliances to
bring help to their situation.

In this case the cause is inferred from the
phrase AT THAT TIME (rather then from something
in the verse). In other words we infer the Rashi
from the phrase without any extra support.

*12 In previous postings we have outlined 4 methods
of connecting paragraphs (See our cp series on
the Rashi calendar
http://www.RashiYomi.com/cp-1.htm thru

What we do in this posting is show how SPECIAL WORDS
(such as AT THAT TIME) can indicate which of the
4 methods is used
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2003, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#