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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Gn13-07a
RASHIS COVERED: Gn13-07a Gn13-14a
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

One of Rashis 10 main goals is the explanation of grammar
similar to the explanations we find in modern textbooks. We
call this the Rashi rule of GRAMMAR.

In todays posting we deal with the grammatical rules
governing DEVELOPMENT in paragraphs and chapters: Given
a paragraph or chapter THEME, what types of sentences can
exist in that paragraph or chapter and what are their
relations to the central theme? We call this the rashi

Rashi knew 4 means of relating consecutive sentences or
consecutive paragraphs in a paragraph or chapter:
Today we study the CAUSAL submethod.

EXAMPLE 1: Gn13-07
Gn13-07 states
There was an [ongoing] dispute between
Abraham's shepards and Lot's shepards
the Canaanite and Prizites were still
in the land

Rashi explains the two clauses as CAUSAL
BECAUSE the Canaanites were still in the land
therefore the land of Israel,that was promised
to Abraham, did not yet belong to him. Thus
Abraham abstained from grazing in their land.
But Lot felt that since the land would
eventually belong to Abraham therefore
he had the right to graze in the land now

Rashi's contention that the two clauses
are related CAUSALLY is supported by
the following verse - Gn13-14a
And God spoke to Abraham
AFTER Lot separated from him
...I will give you this land
Thus Rashi's interpretation of causality
in Gn13-07 is reinforced by the more
blatant causality in Gn13-14.

LIST061a below presents other paragraph sequences with
a CAUSAL connection.
A list of paragraphs having a CAUSAL connection
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

A list of paragraphs     having CAUSAL connection
------- -------------------- --------------------------
Gn13-14a Lot / Abe separate God promises Abe Israel*9
Gn13-07a Fight of Abe-Lot Canaanites still in Israel*9
------- -------------------- --------------------------
Dt14-01a Jews=Gods children No self multilation on death
Dt01-42a God not with you Hence:defeat;therefore:no go
Nu30-16b Annuls after AFFIRM He bears punishment of sin*8
Ex14-25a Remove wheel Heavy driving--God fights
Ex14-25b Heavy Driving God fights*10
Ex13-17b Avoid NEAR-ROUTE Nearness facilitates return
Gn35-01a Dinah is raped Prophetic order to leave*6
Gn33-13c Young Sheep IF pushed they will die*7
Gn29-01a God WITH Jacob Jacob travelled SMOOTHLY*5
Nu06-02a Adulterous wife rite Nazaarite from wine*1
Gn38-01a Brothers sell Joseph Judah leaves brothers*1
Gn23-03c Abraham offers Isaac Sarah dies*1
Gn02-20a Adam Eve are Naked Snake gives Eve Apple*2
Lv10-02a Non-allowed sac Death of Aarons sons*3
Lv10-02a Death of Aarons sons No wine to serving priest*3
Lv10-03d Death of Righteous God honored*4
Lv22-15a Dont eat Terumah Dont DESCECRATE holies
*1 Thus "whoever see the humiliating Adulterous wife rite"
will be so shocked that he will abstain from wine

Similarly "Judah advised his brothers to sell Joseph"
and so when they regretted it they blaimed him and he
had to "separate from them."

Similarly "Sarah died" from the shock that "Abraham
offered Isaac."

*2 In other words because the snake saw Adam and Eve naked
therefore he became Jealous and wanted Adam killed so
he could marry Eve.

ALthough this sounds a bit wild there is strong supporting
evidence. Gn04-01 uses the past perfect form
And Adam HAD BEEN FAMILIAR with his wife & they had
a child"
So the sequence of chapters is
Adam was lonely
God makes Eve
Adam and Eve are naked
------------------------"Snake tempts Eve"
Adam has a child with Eve
Thus the sequence of chapters (Naked--->child) is
clearly interrupted by the Snake story.

*3 As explained above Rashi sees these two views as
- First they drank wine and got drunk
- While drunk they thought it permissable to offer
sacrifices which should not be offered
Hence they died for both crimes

*4 Rashi explains the Causal connection
- when the masses see that God EVEN kills the righteous
for sins
- then they are aware how they must also observe
Gods commandments
- This leads to more honor for God

*5 So GOOD NEWS facilitates/causes SMOOTH TRAVEL(Rashi)

*6 The full sequence of chapters is as follows
- Gn31 God orders Jacob to return to his fathers house
- Gn32 But Jacob is afraid of Being with Brother Esauv
- Gn33 Jacob journeys instead to Succoth
- Gn34 Dinah gets raped
- Gn35 God tells Jacob to return to BethEl

Rashi notes that
If Jacob had IMMEDIATELY fulfilled the order
of Travelling to his fathers house he
wouldnt have stayed in Succoth and his
Daughter would not have gotten raped.

Thus Rashi sees a CAUSAL connection
between the chapters. Dinah was raped
because Jacob did not IMMEDIATELY fulfill
the prophetic order.

Note Rashi expresses the same theme
Because he delayed doing the prophecy immediately
therefore he was punished that certain bad
occurrences happened to him

Rashi expresses this same theme on Gn35-22a
where we find that Reuven inteferred with his
fathers marital life.

*7 Rashi can be better understood with the EXPORT-IMPORT LAW
of logic. The EXPORT-IMPORT law states that
IF [it rains] then if [I go out] THEN [I will get wet]

has the same meaning as
IF [it rains] and [I go out] THEN [I will get wet]

In other words Rashi identifies the two sentence forms
- IF p & q THEN r
This identification of NESTED CONDITIONALS with a

The actual Biblical text reads
The cattle is young
AND they will be pushed one day
AND they will die

Rashi simply points out (Using EXPORT-IMPORT) that
we can interpret this as either
[IF] The cattle is young
AND they will be pushed one day
THEN they will die
IF The cattle is young
IF they will be pushed one day
THEN they will die

The above two translations use the well known Biblical
principle that the Hebrew letter VAV can refer to
any connective.

*8 In other words he
- 1st affirmed a vow of his wife
- then annuled it (which he had no right to)
- If she now sins (Because she was mislead into thinking
the vow is annuled)
- then HE bears the sin/punishment
In other words BECAUSE he misled her he must pay for
the sin.

*9 The causality of these verses reinforce each other
- Gn13-14 EXPLICITLY states that God promised Abe
Israel AFTER Lot separated from him

- Gn13-07 states that Abe and Lot faught WHILE
the Canaanites were still in the land.

So Rashi simply puts the two verses together
- Lot felt HE COULD USE ISRAEL land even though the
CANAANITES still owned it. Lot felt this way because
the land was promised to Abraham eventually. By contrast
Abraham refused to use the land UNTIL it was actually
given to him.


*10 Rashi also states
The HEAVY DRIVING (that God made the Egyptians do
by removing chariot wheel) was a punishment for
their making HEAVY their hearts

I would strengthen these associations
The HEAVY DRIVING is a punishment for the HEAVY
work that the Egyptians placed on the Jews

These comments of Rashi or me also indicate
-- HEAVY DRIVING causes/facilitated
-- Egyptians seeing that God was fighting for them

Indeed: We know that one of the way God fights
is to punish people according to what they have done
(See Rashi on Ex18-11- Jethro said: Now I know that
God is the true God because He returns to people
what they have done)

Hence this particular punishment (making the
Egyptians drive heavy vs killing them) showed
the Egyptians (CAUSED them to be aware) that
God was fighting.
*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#