#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                 Aug   2nd, 2002                     #
#          Rashis 1550-1550 Of 7800 (19.9%)           #
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#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#

VERSE: Dt14-08a Separate impurity prohibitions for priests/Jews

Lv21-01 states that the PRIESTS should abstain from becoming
ritually impure. Since most Biblical paragraphs in Lv are spoken
to ALL ISRAELITES and this chapter prohibiting uncleanliness is
spoken to the priests, we therefore infer that ONLY the priests
are prohibited from becoming ritually impure. But Dt14-08
prohibits Israelites from becoming impure and this seems to
contradict Lv21-01.  Rashi resolves the contradiction by
assigning different TIMEFRAMES to the 2 verses.Priests are ALWAYS
prohibited from becoming impure. By contrast lay Jews are only
prohibited on Holidays when they eat before God.

TODAYS RASHI RULE:       RabbiIshmael


Some Rashis focus on the meaning of individual WORDS.
Other Rashis may focus on the grammar of Biblical VERSES.
Still other Rashis may focus not on individual words or
verses but rather on the comparison of VERSE PAIRS

There are several Rashi rules where 2 or more verses
are compared.

One of these rules focuses on VERSE PAIRS that seem to
CONTRADICT each other. These CONTRADICTIONS can be resolved
by 5 methods.

One of these methods is to ASSUME that the two verses speak
about two diffrerent time periods. Typically nuances in the
verses, or, other verses may help motivate defining these
2 time periods.

The Standard Example below illustrates this.


Consider these two verses.
-Nu08-24 Levites come to the temple from 25 years of age
-Nu04-03 Levites serve the temple from 30 years of age

- How do the above verses contradict each other
ANSWER: One says start at 25; another says AT 30

- Suggest a way of resolving the contradiction by
considering the two verses as TWO CASES or STAGES of
Levite service
ANSWER: EDUCATION starts at 25; SERVICE starts at 30

- Can you find words or nuances in the 2 verses supporting
what you suggested
ANSWER: COME AT 25 indicates education;SERVICE AT 30
means 30


We list chapters in Leviticus. Some of them begin
-- Speak to the Jews, while others begin
-- Speak to the Priests
The idea is that chapters that begin SPEAK TO THE PRIESTS
refer to laws applying ONLY to priests while chapters that
begin SPEAK TO THE JEWS refer to laws applying to all Jews.
VERSE Speak to.. Who? Topic covered
Lv11-02 Speak to the Jews Keep Kosher
Lv12-02 Speak to the Jews Birth Offering
Lv18-02 Speak to the Jews Adultery prohibitions
Lv19-02 Speak to the Jews Sabbath &other obligations
Lv07-29 Speak to the Jews*1 Peace offering eating
------- ------------ -------------- --------------------------
Lv06-02 Speak to the Priests*1 Altar service(Up offering)
Lv06-18 Speak to the Priests*1 Altar service(Sin offering
Lv21-02 Speak to the Priests*2 Ritual impurity prohibitio
Lv22-02 Speak to the Priests*2 Ritual impurity prohibitio
*1 Note the beautiful contrast
   -- Jews eat the peace offering--so the command is to JEWS
   -- Only priests serve altars  --so the command is to PRIESTS

*2 So in summary

   - Lv21-01 prohibits ONLY priests from becoming impure[ALL YEAR
   - Dt14-08 contradicts this by prohibiting Jews[ON FESTIVALS]
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2002, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#