#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    SEP 9 th, 2006                   #
#          Rashis 3675-3675 Of 7700 (47.7%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses with      the word THIS(referent,pointer)
Ex15-02d This is my God They pointed heavenward to God
Ex04-02a whats this in hand what is in your hand*1
Ex14-20d this and this didnt the two armies didnt get near
------- ------------------ ------------------------------
Ex32-01c This Moses is gone Satan showed image of Moses
Lv11-02d These are Kosher God showed him animal pictures
Nu08-04a This is the make God showed him a Candellabrah
Ex30-13a This should be Tax God showed him a Half Dollar
Dt22-14b THIS WOMAN did.. WOMAN is there and pointed to*6
-------- ----------------- ------------------------------
Ex12-42b THIS night is Gods Referent to Abes DARKNESS vision*2
Nu14-22b tested me THIS 10 Reference to 10 complaints*3
Nu30-02b THIS God says THIS language must be used*4
Gn25-22c WHY THIS ME Refers to her current activities*5
*1 Rashi also makes  comments on the  deliberate
misspelling of this word. MISSPELLING is a Biblical
technique. The technical name is METAPLASMUS. Examples
may be found in LIST080a which includes Ex04-02a

*2 Gn15-12:14 ....As the sun set a coma fell on Abraham and
all of a sudden a fear, great darkness, fell on him
and God said...Surely know that your descendants will
be foreigners in a land that doesnt belong to them---
and they will be enslaved -- and they will torture
them 400 years--and also the nation they serve I
will judge and then they will leave with a big reward

Thus THIS night of redemption refers to the redemption
mentioned in the above prophecy (Perhaps there is
also a pun on the darkness)

*3 See LIST210c below

*4 In other words the word THIS makes the contents of the
chapter SPECIFIC and FOCUSED...the  exact language
in the chapter must be used in freeing people from
vows (Normally Biblical language are generalized)

For further details see footnote *10

*5 Thus Rivkah had been praying for children....yet
when she experienced the infants fighting each other
in the womb she asked WHY AM I THIS (That is WHY AM
I PRAYING FOR CHILDREN if I go thru this) and the
answer came back that they would be great nations.

*6 Rashi infers from this that in a court case both litigants
must be present when allegations are stated.


Rashi also makes another point: Moses used the
language THIS IS WHAT GOD SAID while other
prophets used the language THUS SAID GOD (THIS
is more specific than THUS).

For a database layout of introductory prophetic phrases
used by MOSES vs OTHER  PROPHETS see LIST605f & LIST605g

It is clear from this list that this rule is only approximate
and not absolute. Hence we believe  that Rashi rejected
this explanation.

In general we believe that Rashis 1st explanation (when
there are 2 explanations) can be refuted and should not
be accepted
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#