#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    AUG 13 th, 2006                  #
#          Rashis 3653-3652 Of 7700 (47.4%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Dt14-20a
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

One of Rashis 5 main goals is to indicate paragraph
structure. The modern author can indicate paragraph
structure thru either indentation or white space,
blank lines surrounding it. One method by which
the Biblical indicates paragraph structure is to
use a THEME-DETAIL-THEME style--that is a THEME
sentence is stated, followed by some DETAILS of that
theme and concluding with a repetition of the THEME
sentence. Since the THEME-DETAIL-THEME structure
indicates a biblical paragraph, therefore the
DETAILs are seen as the DEVELOPMENT of the paragraph
theme, just as in modern writing, the details of
a paragraph develop the theme sentence of the paragraph.
We call this Rashi method the RABBI ISHMAEL STYLE method
because the THEME-DETAIL-THEME structure is mentioned
among the 13 exegetical rules of Rabbi Ishmael. We
similarly refer to the THEME-DETAIL-THEME (or

EXAMPLE Dt14-20a
The Biblical text at Dt14-11:21 has
the following content/structure
GENERAL: Only eat Kosher birds; Dont eat nonKosher ones
DETAIL: --------------- List of non Kosher birds
GENERAL: Only eat Kosher birds;
Dont eat non Kosher food but rather
either give it to non Jews or sell it to

As can be seen Dt14-11:21 has a paragraph form
- The opening and closing THEME sentences state BOTH
(a) to eat only Kosher birds
(b) not to eat non-Kosher birds
- The middle DETAIL section
Presents a list of non-Kosher birds
So the total paragraph states that when eating
birds one should only eat Kosher birds.

The literal text of Rashi on the above verses states
The person violates BOTH a negative prohibition and
a positive prohibition

There are two ways to state and approach Rashi
Notice how BOTH the opening and closing
sentences state both (a) eat Kosher birds
(b) don't eat non-Kosher birds. Apparently
there is emphasis---both (a) a positive
commandment (when you eat birds only eat
Kosher birds) and (b) a negative prohibition
don't eat non-Kosher birds---apply.

Notice how the second GENERAL-THEME sentence
gives additional guidance:
- besides not eating non-Kosher birds
- one should sell them to a non-Jew
Hence Rashi could be saying that when
a Jew eats a non-Kosher bird, besides
- violating the prohibition of eating
- he is also violating the positive commandment
of either giving to Noachide or selling to a non-Jew.

LIST460t summarizes these arguments.
List of clauses in Dt14-11:21(dont eat non Kosher birds)
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of clauses in Dt14-11:21(dont eat non Kosher birds)
STYLE Summary of Biblical text
GENERAL: Only eat Kosher birds-Don't eat nonKosher birds
DETAIL: ------------ List of non-Kosher birds
GENERAL: Only eat Kosher;No NonKosher;SELL TO NON JEW*1
*1 The literal text of Rashi on the above verses states
The person violates BOTH a negative prohibition and
a positive prohibition

We present two alternative methods for interpreting
this. In one case the positive commandment refers
to the verse ONLY EAT KOSHER BIRDS while in the
other case the positive commandment refers to
the obligation to sell to non Jews.*10

Notice how the concluding GENERAL THEME sentence
states ...BUT SELL THEM TO NON-JEWS. Hence Rashi comments
If a Jew eats a non Kosher bird BESIDES violating
the prohibition of eating non-Kosher birds he also
violates the positive commandment of selling to
a Non-Jew

An alternative approach to Rashi is the following
Both the introductory and terminal GENERAL THEME
sentences have both a (a) positive commandment
(only eat Kosher birds) and a (b) negative
commandment (don't eat non Kosher birds). Hence
a person who eats non-Kosher birds violates
both a positive and negative commandment

*10 For reasons of space we have abbreviated the actual
-give it to a Non Jew observing the
Noachide laws or
-sell it to foreigners
to the shorter form
sell to non-Jew
The main point is on the structure.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#