#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUN 28 th, 2006                  #
#          Rashis 3604-3605 Of 7700 (46.8%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
VERSE: Nu34-06c
RASHIS COVERED: Nu34-06c Nu33-40a
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

The FORMATTING rule seeks to explain Rashis based on
the FORMATTING of the Biblical text. FORMATTING techniques
in modern writing include use of bold, italics,underline,
bullets, paragraph indentation and similar items. The Bible
indicated FORMATTING using its own techniques: For example
- the Bible indicates bold,italics, underline thru REPETITION
- the BIble indicates bulleting, thru REPEATING keywords
The Bible can also indicate FORMATTING thru meaning without
any formal structure.

EXAMPLE Nu36-04c
Note the repetition of BORDER in verse Nu36-04
- includes the Mediteranean Sea
- and [its] BORDERS

Rashi, commenting on the REPETITION, states
The REPETITION creates an emphasis, broadening
the term BORDER, to include all items that
could be referred to by BORDER. Hence the BORDER included
- the Mediteranean Sea
- the ISLANDS in that sea [i.e. the BORDERS of the sea]

LIST150a below presents other examples where verses are
interpreted broadly because of a REPETITION.

EXAMPLE Nu33-40a
The following REPETITION is a bit unusual. It is not a
REPETITION within a verse but rather REPETITION across
two verses. Furthermore, the REPETITION does not indicate
an emphasis in a word or phrase but rather, the repetition
indicates an emphasis in juxtaposition--two events are seen
as cause and effect.

Nu20-22:29, Nu21-01 states
- Aaron died on HOR HAHAR
- The Aradite Kingdom heard when the Jews came to SPY-PATH
And Arad waged war on Israel

Nu33-38:40 states
- Aaron died on HOR HAHAR.
- The Aradite kingdom heard when the Jews came to SPY-PATH
And Arad waged war on Israel

Rashi commenting on the REPEATED juxtaposition of
these two verses
- the verse(s) of Aaron's death
- the verse of Israel coming to SPY-PATH
[Rashi] comments as follows.
The REPETITION creates emphasis. This teaches
that Aaron's death was a contributing factor
in the declaration of War by Arad. [Rashi then
conjectures that Aaron, as High Priest, was a spiritual
force not only for the Jews but for surrounding nations.
When he died Arad decided the Jews would lack their
spiritual backup and decided it was time to declare war]

LIST160a below presents other examples where verses are
interpreted restrictively because of a REPETITION.
List of verses with REPEATED words interpreted broadly
--------------------- ------------------------------------
List of verses with REPEATED words interpreted restrictvely
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses with REPEATED words interpreted broadly
Nu33-40a Aaron died;Arad wars Aaraon's death encouraged war
Nu22-21b Went with MOAB MOAB a)went physicaly b)agreed with
Nu13-30c we-ll GO UP GO UP we-ll WIN WAR no matter what
Lv20-09a PARENTS...PARENTS EVEN after death
Lv19-22a the SIN HE SINNED WHETHER willful or inadvertent
Dt13-16a HIT HIT by sword EVEN by Fire
Dt15-08b GIVE GIVE charity EVEN by loaning
Dt16-20a PURSUE PURSUE Justice EVEN for mistaken aquitals
Ex12-09c COOK COOK in water EVEN in other liquids
Lv13-35a SPREAD SPREAD after OK EVEN if SPREAD while impure
Lv17-13a HUNT A HUNT*10 EVEN for a non-hunted animal
------- --------------------- -----------------------------
Nu05-22c women says AMEN AMEN*5 Adultery from marriage:engaged
Lv25-26c no menial work(repeat) Master to slave;King to subjct
Lv20-02b EXECUTE EXECUTE EVEN by the masses*1
Lv07-19b MEAT:all MEAT eatable Even if PART of organ bad*3
Lv05-15b TRESPASS TRESPASS tmpl Not only eating;any benefit*2
Lv13-44a DECLARE DECLARE impure EVEN if not a head leprosy*4
*1 Supported  by Dt17-06:07 which states
..first the witnesses execute...then the people execute

*2 See http://www.Rashiyomi.com/lv05-02a.htm for a full
discussion of the three Rashi methods connected with
this verse.

*3 e.g. If PART of meat fell outside temple (and is thereby
impure) then you can still eat the part of the meat
that remained inside the temple (even though the two
parts are connected)

*4 The text of Lv13-32:45 is as follows
If on his baldness there is pinkish affiction then
leprosy is sprouting in his baldness; the priest
reviews and confirms the pinkish affliction in his
baldness just like skin leprosy...[then] this person
is leprousand is ritually impure; the priest shall
DECLARE DECLARE him impure and the lepor with the
affliction: his garments shall be rent and his head
left wild....

The words DECLARE DECLARE encourage a BROAD
interpretation of this chapter: The requirements of
declaration, garment renting and head left wild apply
not only to the subject of the chapter---a bald person
with leprosy---but apply to ANY lepor

*5 Rashi actually brings down THREE consequences of
the broad interpretation emanating from the repeated
The word AMEN signifies acceptance of an oath of curse
- ACCEPTANCE whether she committed adultery from
the suspected person OR from any other person

- ACCEPTANCE whether she cheated while married or
whether she cheated while (BiblicallY) engaged

- ACCEPTANCE of both the OATH (I didnt commit adultery)
as well as the consequent CURSE (May I be punished
if I did commit adultery)

From these three distinct interpretations we infer
that the basic idea of Rashi is that
The repetition indicates ACCEPTANCE

*6 An alternative approach not based on repetition
reviews all references to MOAB in Nu22-10:21. They
are referred to as
- Moabs princes
- Balaks servants
- Them
- people
If in Nu22-21 it refers to them as MOAB PRINCES
Bilam went with Moabs princes
The emphasis seems to be that he went with them
and the Moabite philosophy (He agreed with them)

*7 Several points should be made on this unusual repetition
- the repetition is not a repetition of a word or phrase
within one verse but rather a repetition in separate
- the repetition does not suggest an emphasis in a word
or phrase but rather an emphasis in a juxtaposition--
two juxtaposed events are seen as causing or enabling
each other
-- Aaron's death
-- the war by Arad
The repeating sets of verses are
- Nu20-22:29, Nu21-01 and
- Nu33-38:40 states*11

*10 Rashi citing the Talmud asks
But if the law applies to HUNTED or DOMISTICATED
(non-hunted) animals why does the bible use the
phrase HUNT alltogether? ANSWER: The Bible speaks
about a TYPICAL SITUATION: One normally should not
eat meat except on special occassions and after
significant work like a hunt

*11 It is instructive to compare our explanation with
Rashi's wording. Rashi states on the verse
And king of Arad HEARD when Jews came to SPY-ROAD

Rashi states on Nu21-01a
What did he HEAR? He heard that Aaron died

This of course is rediculous. The verse
explicitly states
He HEARD that the Jews came

But Rashi HIMSELF clarifies his position
on Nu33-40a Rashi states
The set of verses relating a) Aarons death
and b) the declaration of war by Arad, is
repeated to emphasize that one caused the

Thus we see that Rashi HIMSELF contradicts his
early play on words WHAT DID HE HEAR? HE HEARD
OF AARONS DEATH. Such play on words is typical
in Rashi---Rashi lived before the printing
press-- by phrasing homilies in turns of
word plays he facilitated memorization
and retention in students.

*12 Rashi provides a possible explanation as to why
Aaron's death would encourage Arad to declare war

Rashi conjectures that Aaron, as High Priest,
was a spiritual force not only for the Jews but
for surrounding nations.When he died Arad decided
the Jews would lack their spiritual backup and
decided it was time to declare war.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#