#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    JUN 1 st, 2006                   #
#          Rashis 3571-3571 Of 7700 (46.3%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of verses pairs     with one verse illuminating another
Nu21-15b TZUR=Midyan family HEAD Nu31-08 1 of 5 main leaders
Nu21-15c TZUR=MIDYAN FAMILY head Gn25-04 5 main Midyan tribes
Nu21-24a BRAZEN is border of Amon Dt02-19 PROTECTED BY PROPHCY
Nu20-16b God sent ANGEL to redeem Ex23-20 ANGEL=MOSES
Nu14-25a journey away from here Nu14-42:45 Amalyk will defeat u
Nu12-08c See GODS PICTURE Ex33-23 See God-s back
Nu12-12b Don-t make us LIKE DEAD Lv13-45:46 LIKE LEPOR*1
Nu02-02c OPPOSITE the Temple Jo03-04 2000 Cubits
Lv27-10a GOOD:BAD sacrifice Lv22-18:20 BAD=BLEMISHED
Gn45-18a I-ll give BEST OF LAND Gn47-11 BEST OF LAND=Ramsyth
*1 Unlike other cases of ritual impurity the Lepor is
- ostracized from all his friends
- must declare himself impure and separate himself
Hence he is like someone dead (that is like a dead body
he is REPULSIVE)*10

---------------------  LONGER FOOTNOTES ---------------------
*10 Rashi gives an alternate argument
Both the LEPOR and DEAD transmit a status of ritual
impurity to a person who merely walks into the same
room with them

However we would summarize this Rashi argument as follows
Both the LEPOR and DEAD are considered REPULSIVE. Hence
- merely being in the same room with them confers impurity
- People AVOID both the LEPOR and DEAD BODY

Such an approach to Rashi is deeper and more satisfying
and sheds light on the analogy.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#