#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    APR 5 th, 2006                   #
#          Rashis 3514-3514 Of 7700 (45.6%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

Rashis requiring         Spreadsheets/Algebra
VERSE Item Spreadsheet is used for
Nu05-08y.htm No heir to Stolen from person=Convert died;no chld
lv26-08b.htm 5 pursue 100[5%]; 100 pursue 10000[1%].Non linear!
lv25-43a.htm Menial labor=a)purposeless b)no fixed amount
lv25-43a.htm Slaves from sons of residents:even Canaanite*2
dt21-17a.htm How to give 1st-born double *1
ex38-24b.htm Computation of relative value of Biblical currency
nu03-39b.htm Accounting of Levite children
nu31-26a.htm Division of booty in war
gn05-32b.htm Computation of relative ages of Noachs children
gn25-20a.htm Proof that Rivkah was 15 when she married Isaac
lv22-13a.htm How priests daughter can zigzag in Terumah use
*1  Many people are familiar with the concept of the
FORMULA PLUG IN. That is a problem is solved by a
formula which you plug into.

But some problems intrinsically cannot (initally)
be solved by a formula. Instead you have to
formulate the problem algebraically and solve;only
then do you have the formula.

In other words these problems are solved by

Thus the statement that the eldest gets double
suggests the following model.

- Suppose the are B brothers
- Suppose 1 of them is eldest
- The Fathers total assets are T (Total)

- Let A be the amount each brother inherits
We have no formula for A

- Then each of the B-1 brothers obtains A
- The eldest obtains double, 2A.
- Together this exhausts the Fathers estate, T

Hence we have (B-1)A + 2A = (B+1)A = T

This gives rise to the formula  A = T / (B+1)

An example is a father with 100,000 and 4 children
- T=100,000
- B=4
- So each child take T/(B+1) = 100000/5 = 20,000
- Eldest takes 2*20000=40000
- Other 3 take 20000
- Total distribution =3*20000+40000=100000

See Rambam Inheritance Chapter 2

*2 e.g. The father is a non jew from outside Israel
He marries a Canaanite women in Israel
By law when Israel is conquered she must be killed
But the son follows the father, is not considered Canaanite,
need not be killed and can be used as a slave byus.
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#