#       12 YEAR Ayelet DAILY-RASHI-YOMI CYCLE         #
#                    DEC 14 th, 2005                  #
#          Rashis 3311-3311 Of 7700 (43%)           #
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#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc. 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#
(C) Dr Hendel, Jan-04

List of words named by FUNCTION(e.g. the U.N.)
VERSE TERM Refers to ...
Lv11-03e FOODPIPE Food DRAGGED thru it
Lv11-18a BAT/BARNOWL Known for BREATHING*1
Ex30-18b FOUNDATION Table Foundation
Nu31-50d LEWD WOMB Jewelry
Ex35-22c LEWD WOMB Jewelry
Ex25-38a TAKERS COAL prongs
Ex25-38b SWEEPERS CLEAN candle ash
Lv05-24a FIRST Investment PRINCIPLE
Gn49-11d SEDUCE MARITAL dress
*1 The standard English translations are
BARN OWL. But Rashi describes this bird
as a bird that
is a night bird that is known for

This sounds to me like the BAT which
is a night bird that navigates by
locating the echoes of its pulsed
voiced BREATHS (Nun-Shim-Mem=breath)
*10 *11 *12 *13


*10 (The goal of this email list is simply
to point out etymological patterns; not
to give definitive scientific pronouncements
So we suffice with pointing out
that whatever this animal/bird is it is
noted for its BREATHING)

*11 The word BREATH can refer to BREATH INTENSITY LEVELS
Here are some sample verses
- Da10-17 no BREATH was left in me (Exhausted)
- Jb37-10 the BREATH of God creates FROST
This is consistent with naming the BAT because
of its PULSED VOICED BREATHS by which it navigates

*12 Radack gives a different twist.
The bird is called SHRIEK (Nun-Shim-Mem)
because all who see it SHRIEK

But neither the BAT nor BARN-OWL
evoke such shrieks.Also Nun-Shin-Mem
refers more to BREATH and BREATH LEVELS
than SHRIEKS.(See footnote #11)
Hence we prefer Rashis

*13 The word TINSHAMETH refers both to
- Lv11-18a (a bird)
- Lv11-30a (a mammal)
Rashi suggests that the primary
meaning is BIRD and that the
mammal has the same form as the
bird and hence is named like it.

See LIST813b for words named by form
#*#*#*# (C) RashiYomi Inc., 2005, Dr. Hendel, President #*#*#*#*#