#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
  |      Rashi is Simple Version 2.0                         |
  |      (C) RashiYomi Inc., Dr Hendel President             |
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VERSE: Gn33-02a

RASHIS COVERED: Gn33-02a Gn33-03a Nu36-11a Nu27-01b

==================== COMPOUND ORDER ==============================

One of Rashis 6 main goals is to explain grammar One issue of
grammar is the order in which compound sentence components should
be listed. The general rules are that
- if the Bible uses different orders all items are equal
  (eg Abraham Isaac Jacob vs Jacob Isaac Abraham--there all same)
- if the Bible always uses the same order it reflects importance
  (eg Moses Aaron indicates Moses had higher prophecy than Aaron)
- Special cases arise: Eg Gn33-02: Jacobs favorite wives were
placed in the least vulnerable position; Jacob went first to
protect them (The same way Israeli generals go out first)

TODAYS RASHI RULE:                      GRAMMARr

The RashiYomi grammar page: http://www.Rashiyomi.com/grammar.htm
http://www.Rashiyomi.com/h3n1.htm (Previous posting on order)

Gn33-01:02 shows how Jacob arranged his wives and himself when
meeting Esauv. Jacob was clearly afraid of Esauv so those people
placed first were the most vulnerable. It is easy to see that
the wives that Jacob liked the most were placed in the least
vulnerable place (2nd part of list).

This leaves the question as to why Jacob went first vs last(after
all he should have stayed in back to protect himself). Rashi
suggests a 2 dimensional model of order: Jacob exposed himself
rather than endanger the others. (Israeli Generals act similarly
in battle).

I have enriched this Rashi explanation with other lists showing
order of items. Considering the fact that ORDER DOES NOT ALWAYS
MATTER (see examples below) and that Rashis explanation is
complicated perhaps it is better to regard this Rashi as
simply a plausible explanation.
Order Who         Security reason How much liked  Proof
===== =========== =============== =============== ================
1th   Jacob       Protect others
---   ----------- --------------- --------------- ----------------
2nd   Concubines                  least           Concubin vs wife
3rd   Leah                        next to most    Gn29-31
4th   Rachel                      most            Gn29-31

======================= Tzlafchad Daughters ======================

The different orders reflect the fact that all 5 daughters were
equally important. Each had their own skills. No one daughter
excelled the other in all important qualities.(Thus this
provides an example where order is not important) This idea
(different orders implies equality is found in Rashi)

See the next list for supporting examples from Midrash Rabbah
=======  =========================================================
Nu26-33  Machlah Noah Chaglah Milkah Tirzah
Nu27-01  Machlah Noah Chaglah Milkah Tirzah
Nu36-11  Machlah Tirzah Chaglah Milkah Noah
Jos17-3  Machlah Noah Chaglah Milkah Tirzah

==================== COMPOUND ORDER ==============================

This list comes from the Midrash Rabbah(First 3 examples from
the Midrash and the last 2 were supplied by me).

RULE: If a compound sentence item is listed in different orders
then the Bible thinks they are each important. Thus the
3 Patriarchs are listed in different ordres and hence are equally

The next list shows the complementary rule: If compound sentence
items are ALWAYS listed in the same order then they reflect
a higher important of the 1st mentioned item.
LIST                VERSE 1  ORDER         VERSE 2  ORDER
=================== ======== ============= ======== ==============
Heaven, earth       Gn01-01  Heaven, earth Gn02-04  Earth,heaven
Abraham,Isaac,Jacob Dt34-04  Abe, Yitz,Jac Lv26-42  Jac,Yitz,Abe
Tzlafchad girls     Nu26-33  M N C M T     Nu36-11  M T C M N
Mishpatim,Chukim    Lv18-05  Chok,Mishpat  Dt08-11  Mishpat,Chok
Signs,..,stong hand Dt26-08  Hand..signs   Dt04-34  Sign. hand

================= COMPOUND ORDER=================================

In this list we see that Moses is ALWAYS listed before Aaron
Hence we conclude that Moses prophetic status was higher than
Aarons. (See Sifrah Lv01-01 for further details) This complements
the rule in the above list that a compound list, listed in
different orders is regarded as equal by the Bible.
======== ========================================================
Lv11-01  Moses Aaron
Lv13-01  Moses Aaron
Lv14-33  Moses Aaron
Lv15-01  Moses Aaron
Nu04-01  Moses Aaron
Nu04-17  Moses Aaron

WARNING: The following additional references may be too wordy
However they frequently contain additional information & lists
The hyperlinks only work on the main website

Volume 16 Number 4

#*#*#*#*#  (C) 2001, RashiYomi Inc. Dr Hendel President #*#*#*#*#
Volume 16 Number 4